iv. cordy doesn't get pop culture references

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Cordy Devitt had met a lot of Leo Valdez's in her (non)-life

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Cordy Devitt had met a lot of Leo Valdez's in her (non)-life. The jovial, optimistic young heroes were extremely common in her former line of work. With the light in his eyes and the speed with which he barraged her with questions, he reminded Cordy of every good beginning she'd fooled herself into thinking would work out.

It was the kind of thought the voice in her head loved to prey upon. Don't get used to it. They'll squash it out of him soon enough.

She did her best not to stumble from the pain—luckily, Leo didn't seem to notice anything off. Usually, the pain the voice produced was manageable enough, something she could grit her teeth and bear. For the past couple of days, since she'd received the call from Annabeth telling her that her brother was missing, it had been far more intense. The voice seemed to be relishing in something that she couldn't yet comprehend.

They're punishing you again, Cordy didn't have to ask who it meant. And you deserve it, don't you?

When she'd first come to this realization, sitting in her bedroom back in Manhattan the day before, the pain had been so debilitating that she hadn't been able to move for hours.

She felt hopelessly naive. She had really thought that she could just take off, spend the two weeks of winter break gallivanting across the country with Nico—like old times. That nothing bad could happen in so little time. After receiving Annabeth's call, he'd dropped her off in Manhattan with the stiff goodbye that had become their custom as of late. It was supposed to have been her chance to make sure that the two of them were okay, that Nico wasn't working himself to the grave without her there to pull him from the edge. He'd simply pushed her off to the side, just as Annabeth seemed intent upon doing now.

Despite all of the inner turmoil, she really did try to give Leo a normal tour. It wasn't his fault that her life seemed to be falling apart, or that he reminded her, in an odd way, of someone she'd tried not to think about for a very long time. It also wasn't his fault that she didn't know her way around Camp all that well. Before her abrupt return to the living, she'd only been allowed in on a few...select occasions. And after, she'd avoided the place like the plague for reasons she couldn't quite discern...altogether, in the past year and a half, she'd spent maybe two weeks there.

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