Christmas party

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A/n: I wrote this chapter

Derek's POV

I decided that I'm not going to go home this year. I'm going to listen to Mark, which I never do but I want to have some fun. I think I'm going to ask Meredith if she wants to go to that party with me. I decide to go to the local café to get some coffee. When I get there I see that Meredith is sitting with a red head whom I don't know. I order coffee then go over to her.

"Hey Mer, who's this?"

"Hey, Derek this is April. What are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to see if you wanted to go to that Christmas party that the upperclassmen are throwing?"

"I'll let you know."

"Ok well I'll talk to you later I got to go study I'll see you later?"

"Yea I'll come over to your apartment tonight."

"Nice meeting you April."

"Nice to meet you too Derek." April said before I left to go study.

Meredith's POV

"Who was that, your boyfriend?" April asked.

"Well I'm not really sure what to call him, we went out once and we keep hanging out but I'm not sure." I replied confused.

"Well if you aren't, you should, he's hot." We continue talking for like half hour then we split ways. She had to go back to work and I was going to Derek's. I knock on the door of his apartment and he lets me in.

"Hey what were you talking about at the café I wasn't really paying attention." I say while giggling.

"I was asking I you wanted to go to the upperclassmen's Christmas party with me." He repeated while chuckling.

"Aren't you going home to your family?" I ask, wishing I had family to go home to.

"I do, but I go home every year and I want to have fun this year."

"You should go see your mom, won't she miss you?"

"I saw her on thanksgiving. Why are you not going to see your mom?"

"My mom doesn't celebrate anything."

"Well then it looks like we are both not going home."

"Yea, I guess," if I could go home I would, I want to have a family that wants to see me for the holidays, "sure I'll go to the stupid party." I cave in.

"Ok I'll pick you up, it starts tomorrow at 9"

"Ok, so what else do you want to do?" I ask while going to straddle his lap making it obvious on what I wanted to do.

"Well we could do this." He said while kissing me.

1 hour later

"So do you just want to stay over tonight?" He asks once we finished.

"Sure" I say before I shut my eyes and fall asleep in his embrace.

Time jump: right before the party

Derek took me back to my house so I could get a dress to go to the party. He is wearing jeans and a tight black t-shirt that outlines his muscular body.

"Which one looks better?" I ask Derek while holding up a tight short red dress with straps across the back in my right hand and in my left I have a loose short navy blue dress with polka dots.

"The red one it's more Christmasy." Derek tells me. I change into the red dress ans while I am looking in my closet for shoes I feel Derek's arms wrap around my waist. I lean into him so he can feel my weight.

"Those one would go nicely." He tells me as he is pointing to a pair of black heels with a red bottom that matched my dress. I pick them up and put them on my feet. Derek takes my hand and leads me into a spin, I giggle while he continues to spin me around. Derek stars to pick me up so now I'm in the air while being spun around the room. He finally lets me back onto the ground but because of how dizzy I am I fall onto the bed and he joins.

Time jump: they are at the party

As we are walking in, I see that there are lots of people already here. Some are already drunk and it's not even 10 yet, it is going to be a long but fun night.

"Want me to get us a drink?' I ask Derek.

"Sure I want a-"

"A double scotch, single malt, I know," I said while cutting him off before I made my way to the bar. I downed my shot of tequila and then got a martini before going back to Derek. "would you like to dance?"

"I don't dance in public."

"Well we can change that can't we." I say while dragging him to the dance floor. We dance for two songs then go back to get more drinks. As the night goes on my memory is getting fuzzier and fuzzier as I down more shots and drinks.

"Lets go home, you're drunk; you should get some rest." Derek told me, he was more sober than me; he stopped after two drinks.

"No, I don't wanna go home." I whine. 

"Come on." He said as he dragged me out of the party. I looked at the time in his car and see that it was 2 in the morning.  We got to my house and Derek changed me into a pair of pajamas.

"Stay, please?" I ask him while he is about to walk out of my room.

"Are you sure it is ok?"

"Yes." He comes back into my room and takes off his pants and shirt and climes into bed. I snuggle up to him to get comfortable.

"Goodnight Meredith."

"Goodnight Derek." We both drift off to sleep holding on to each other feeling safe.

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