Sometimes we all have those days

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This chapter was written by: AlSRLV and I.

Meredith's POV.

Today is total crap. For starters, I slept through my alarm, making me late to my first class, and because I missed class, I had to do extra work. Then, at lunch, some random guy ran into me and spilt a mystery liquid all over my shirt, so now I am drenched in something gross, standing outside the public restroom, waiting in line so I can change. Luckily, I brought extra clothes.

I always bring extra everything. Extra brush, extra hair ties, extra food, etc. It comes in handy. Except, the extra clothes I brought today, happen to be my gym outfit. Which is just perfect for freezing weather.

Note the sarcasm.

The line doesn't seem to want to move, and the wind is picking up, freezing me to a pulp. It's like, 30°F and I'm drenched. I wish I could just curl up in front of my fireplace with Derek. I miss him.

You're probably thinking, 'Meredith, didn't you see him yesterday?' Well, you would be right. I did see him yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that. And the day before that. But who's counting?

I've been so involved in my own thoughts, I hadn't even noticed the line disappearing, until I was nudged by the lady behind me. I quickly walk in the tiny stall, pulling out my bag and locking the door. I can't wait until I'm out of these clothes.

Once I'm changed, I take a look in the mirror. I'm definitely going to die of hypothermia. I'm wearing spandex and a sports bra. Just looking at myself, I can already hear the catcalls and see the pervy stares.

I only have one more class, but due to my current state, I think I'm better off skipping it. Derek wouldn't be okay with me ditching, but everyone needs a break at some point. My break is today. It's not like my next class is important, anyway. It's just ELA.

I think I'm just gonna go to Derek's place. He won't be home for another 2 hours, but it's cozy there. Sure, it sort of stinks, but once I spray some of my good stuff, the problem will be solved.

I stole a key from him a few weeks back, so there's no problem getting in, though I still need to figure out how to add it to my keychain. That makes me sound psychotic, but I swear I'm not. He doesn't care. I'm sure he knows I have one.

Once I'm inside, I head straight for the kitchen. I think I'll cook for him. Give him something to come home to...


That was a bad idea.

I can't cook, I don't know why I tried. I've ruined a perfectly good pan. Or was it a pot?

Either way, the dish looks like it took a trip through hell. I attempted to make Mac & cheese, but it was very clumpy and I don't think I added the water correctly, because the noodles haven't softened and the powder stuff made it a cold, murky, chunky, yellow swamp. It tastes terrible too.

I even attempted to clean up, but i somehow managed to clog the drain and flood the sink. Today is just horrible. I need some cheering up.

I've decided that I'm going to brighten my mood by watching a movie. I head to Derek's room and plop on his bed. It's so uncomfortable. It's like a rock with a thin, flannel sheet on top. I don't know how he doesn't have back problems.

Anyway, now I just need to find the remote. I check around the bed first, looking under, on top, on the dresser, and generally the whole area. I almost give up my search, until I see it in the windowsill. I don't know why it's there, but that's an odd place for it to be.

As I reach for it, I feel my foot connect with something hard and I trip, sending my hand flying forward to steady myself, only to knock the remote outside.

Maybe it's still in one piece?

I stare out the window, getting a perfect view of the 20 plastic specks covering the sidewalk. Today just keeps getting worse and worse.

Suddenly, I hear the front door open. Derek is home. He's going to be so mad. I ruined his kitchen and the only way he knows how to entertain himself.

I heard the door open to the room and am met with a high pitched screech. "God, Meredith! You scared the living hell out of me!" He pants, a flash of concern covering his features as he takes in my tear filled eyes.

"I'm so sorry. Today has just been so awful and I got a drink spilt on me and then I didn't wake up for school either and then there was my outfit and all the creepy men and the food and your pan and the, oh, god I ruined your house!" I don't know when during that rant the tears started falling but today had just been so bad, I couldn't blame myself for the awkward melt down.

"Hey, is okay." He coos, pulling me into his arms. He smells good. His cologne is a strong scent but it lingers softly with his after shave. "We'll just watch a movie or something." He suggests, only making me cry harder.

"I broke your remote!" I sniffle, listing the tears fall as Derek anxiously tries to calm me down. Derek pulls me into a warm embrace. As soon as his arms are around me I feel safe and content.

"Why don't we go take a bath?" Derek asks me. I nod as he takes my arm leading me into his bedroom. I wipe my nose as I calm down some more. Derek sets me down on the bed, gets up and goes to the bathroom. I can hear the bath running as he comes back out. With an out stretched arm he pulls me out of bed and into the bathroom. He helps me get undressed and into the bath. Derek walls backed into to room to grab something. When he returned I see in his hand a copy of "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone" my favorite book. I smile at him. He gets his clothes off and steps into the bath behind me so that my back is against his chest. He makes sure I'm comfortable before starting to read. We made it through 3 chapters before I felt myself starting to fall asleep to his voice.

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