True love?

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Derek's POV

People say when you meet your soulmate, you'll know it. A gut feeling, maybe. Or a slight tingle when you seen them for the first time. They say that feeling never leaves; it intensifies. At least, that's what my ma says. She's told me this since I was a small boy, and for the longest time, I didn't believe her.

That is, until I met Meredith Grey.

The second I saw her, it was like my heart exploded in my chest. I had brushed it off with humiliation, as I'd just fallen from my seat, but the feeling never faded. Every time she walks in the room, I feel it, and every day, the effect gets stronger.

I keep telling myself this is it, that I've found the one. That's why I'm standing near a ferry, awaiting my date. Though I know everything is perfectly planned, something in the back of my mind keeps filling my head with 'what if's.'

What if she doesn't feel the same?

What if she says she's not ready?

What if she's found someone else?

What if it's too much too soon?

What if she hates the prospect of it?

It's not true, none of them are. I know she feels the same, but the heart wrenching doubt has my hands sweating as I trace the design of a small velvet box in my pocket.

This is it.

I'm popping the question tonight. Maybe it's too soon, maybe I'm psyching myself out. Maybe she'll say yes. I'm not fully prepared for all the questions my mind is filled of, but one thought is worth the doubt, the worry, the anxiety. One thought.

The idea of the rest of my life with her, is worth any risk. She is worth everything.

So, I wait. I listen to the soft music playing from the pier as I watch the lights above the ferry, flicker. The scenery will be better on the boat, perfectly aligned with the breathtaking view of Seattle at night.

"Derek?" A soft giggle sends my heart to butterflies as I turn to meet eyes with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's wearing a short but classy red dress, snug on her curves, and showing just enough to make my mind wander. She's gorgeous.

"You look stunning, Mer." I grin, kissing her softly and pulling her towards the pier.

"Where are we going?" She laughs, wobbling a bit as we head to the location for tonight.

"It's a surprise." I whisper, pulling her down a dark hallway in the dock house, out the back, and in through a small passage onto the ferry. I may or may not have payed the cleaning guy to give me the keys for tonight. It was surprisingly cheap.

Once inside the boat, we head up the stairs and eventually reach the top deck. Lavender lilies decorate the perimeter, woven by small white lights. The floor is coated by rose petals, small candles leading a path to a large and soft blanket laid nicely with the makings of a picnic. A small woven basket next to strawberries dipped in chocolate and champagne sit in the center, creating a warm and comforting environment.

"Wow" she breathes out, an awed expression lighting up her soft features.

"What do you think?" I nervously shuffle, vulnerability reeking on my charm.

"Derek, it's...beautiful." She blushes, placing her hand in my chest and rising it to my neck where she pulls me down into an earth shattering kiss.

I grin widely and lead her to the blanket. We each sit down and I pull out the meal I'd spent all of this morning preparing. It's her favorite Italian dish, with her favorite desert hiding in an ice chest behind me. It took about 2 weeks to discover her sweet treat kryptonite, with a little help from Izzie, an old friend of Mers'.

Strawberry cheese cake. So simple, but yet, so intriguing. Everything about her intrigues me. From the way she curls her hair, to the way her nose scrunches when she laughs.

"How did you even find out about this? I haven't had this meal in years!" She exclaims, greedily shoveling food into her mouth.

"It took some effort, but nothing is impossible." I wink, earning a barely noticeable blush. I love how easily I can affect her. Just as she can me.

"So what's this special occasion?" She squints her eyes at me, clearly enunciating the last two words for effect.

"What? I can't bring my girlfriend on a date without an agenda?" I tease, tossing a blueberry at her face.

"No." She scowls, tossing one back at me, but harder.

"No?" I raise my eyebrow, throwing a handful of fruit at her as she ducks.

"You're up to something." She looks around suspiciously, before dumping the entire bowl of fruit on my head with an evil grin apparent on her face.

"I'm gonna get you for that!" I growl, tackling her under me. I tickle her stomach easily, enlightening myself at the harmonious sounds of her laugh. After a few moments, I stop. She looks up at me curiously before the interrogation starts.

"Are you feeling guilty? Afraid? Did I do something really really good? Are you celebrating? Mark get you knocked up?" She teases, obviously getting a kick out of my reaction to the last statement.

"Meredith, I'm not hiding anything from you." I sigh, pulling her to her feet to stand in front of me. Discretely, I step on a button, opening a case filled with fireflies. The setting lights up with twinkling lights glowing around us as I pronounce my love and get on one knee.

"In fact, I've been very open about how much I love you. That's why I'm here right now, kneeling on this boat, surrounded by the open affection I have for you. You, Meredith Grey, are the light of my life. I love you more than anything in this entire world, and I'd like to spend the rest of my life proving it. So, Meredith Grey, will you make me the happiest man on earth, and do me the honor of marrying me?" I pull out the red velvet box and flash the gigantic and extremely expensive rock, handed down by my mother.

She stares down at me in shock, tears pooling  in her eyes. The one thing I can't decipher, is if they're good or bad.


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