The Truth

455 15 3

Derek's POV

Oh my God I said it those three words yesterday. What if I scared her? I should have waited before I said anything. What if she doesn't think the same? What did I do? I am waiting for Meredith to wake up. I think I am going to take her to the county fair today to take our minds off of everything. Meredith starts to stir in my arms and subconscious leans into me more.

"Morning beautiful."  I say while kissing her neck.

"Morning handsome." She moaned.

"Do you want to go to the fair today?"

"Sure give me an hour to get ready." She says while trying to escape my grasp.

"I think you'll need a little longer." I smirk as I pin her to the bed kissing her more.


"Now I have to take a shower." Meredith tells me.

"Well I'll join you!" I yell while getting out of the bed.

"Nope going by myself." She told me while shutting the door in my face. I go to get my clothes from the dresser when I hear Meredith start to moan. I smirk as I walk up to the door of the bathroom and open it.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Showering, What else does it look like I'm doing?" She says innocently. Mer got out of the shower, got her towel and walked out of the bathroom to get changed before we left for the fair.


We arrived at the fair and went to the ferris wheel. Once we go to the top Meredith starts looking a little nervous I took her hands and asked her what was wrong.

"Nothing I just have to tell you something," she responded, "When I first saw you it was like the entire room lit up. I never thought having coffee spilled on me would be something I would be so thankful, and grateful for but it is. You know me so well, inside and out. Your deep acceptance of me is what I admire most about you. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I've done in my life. You continue to be someone I love, admire and respect without hesitation. When I listen to music I don't usually feel anything but suddenly, all the love songs were about you. In the famous words of Jane Austen, 'My heart is, and always will be, yours' and I believe that to be true. I love you Derek." she finishes with tears in her eyes along with mine.

"I love you Meredith." I say before kissing her. We reached the bottom of the ferris wheel. I can't believe that she said it back I'm so happy right now. We headed to go get some funnel cake. We ate it and made small talk before I saw Meredith's eyes light up.

"Can we go into the fun house.... pleaseeeeee?" Meredith whines dragging me towards the fun house.

"Alright let's go" We entered the fun house and started running into mirrors. Meredith fell on her back because she was running to fast I got there in time to catch her head so it didn't hit the ground. 

"Thanks Der. I really ran into that one didn't I." she stated laughing.

"Yeah you did. I can see the exit come on I'll help you out honey." I say while picking her up bridal style.

"Put me down." she whines kicking her legs.

"No I'm helping you out." I tease starting to tickle her.

"Stoooooo....pppppp..... tickling....... mmmm....eeee." she makes out as she is laughing hysterically. We walked over to the balloon pop game. Meredith has surprisingly good aim and won on her first try. She picked out a cute little brown bear that's holding a red heart in its hands.

"I think I'll name him 'derbear' so when you're not with me, which is not often but still, you will always be with me." Mer tells me as we are walking back to the car. I ask her if we should spend the night at my apartment or her house. She told me to drive to my apartment because we have spent the last few days at her house. We get home and I draw up a bath for both of us. We take a bath get changed and lay down in bed holding each other. We both fall asleep thinking of the wonderful day we had.

When They Metحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن