Double Date

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A/n: I wrote this chapter

Derek's POV

I want to go see if Meredith wants to go to an amusement park today with me, because I'm bored and I miss her. Once I go to her house, I knock on the door and when the door opens I see a man standing in font of me instead of Meredith. I'm not scared because I know Meredith would not cheat. She's not like that, I trust her.

"Is Meredith here?"

"Yea she is in the shower and should be out soon. How do you know Meredith?"

"I'm her boyfriend. Who are you and how do you know Meredith?"

"I'm Alex, me and Meredith went to school together but got split up when we went to collage. We have been best friends since Meredith was 2 and I was 5, we met in daycare."

"Oh, she told me that there were a few friends from when she was younger."

"Well, glad to know she at least told someone about me. How long have you two been dating?"

"Since the beginning of the year." As I say that Meredith walks down the stairs in a tank top and short shorts.

"Hey Derek, I see you met Alex. What are you doing here?"

"Yea, I have. I was going to see if you wanted to go to the amusement park today?" I say before another woman comes from upstairs.

"Hi, I'm Jo, Alex's girlfriend." the woman says to me.

"They are staying with me for the weekend then they are going back to Washington where we all grew up together." Meredith explains to me.

"Well it is nice to meet you guys. Maybe you guys could come with us?"

"Sure we weren't doing anything else today." Jo says.

"I just have to get changed." Meredith says before going up stairs.

"I'll go with you." I said before following Meredith up the stairs. She asks me which shirt looks better and I picked a tight red shirt that she looks great in just like everything else.(*the shirt that she had on during the house of candles*)


"Derek come on, one more." Meredith begs.

"No come on it's late and we have to get home no more rides."

"Ok, can we get tequila before we go home?"

"Sure Alex Jo, what do you like to drink?"

"Tequila and beer, but Alex is legal so he can also buy some." Jo informs me. We go to the liquor store and then go home and start drinking.

"Let's play truth or dare." Jo suggests.

"Ok, Mer truth or dare?" I ask Mer, we are all a little drunk.

"Truth!" Mer yells at me.

"What's something you're glad you mom doesn't know about?"

"When I was 16, Cristina and Alex were over one day when my mom had a surgery. We got beer and thought it was a good idea for me to drive a car. I surprisingly got to the end of my street before crashing into my neighbors trash can I'm just glad that it was only Adele's house. Her husband worked with my mom and we were really close so she didn't tell anyone." She finishes her story and all of us were laughing.

"Ok, Alex truth or dare?" Jo asks Alex.

"Dare" he responds.

"Say something dirty to the person on your left."

"That's not fair Jo is on your left." Meredith whines.

"That is the point." Jo tells Mer. Alex whispers something into Jo's ear and I watched as her eyes went wide. The rest of the night was a blur and I don't really remember most of it, but the next day I woke up in Mers bed and Jo and Alex were down stairs.

A/n: Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter.

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