The date

582 18 5

A/n: I wrote this chapter

Meredith's POV

As I got ready for class all I could think about was last night. Where his hands went how skilled he was, I've never felt that in my life, the positions, the places. I just have to get him out of my head. I start to make my way towards the college and to my first class, Anatomy 101. That class is so easy I learned all of that when I was like 7 when I would go to the hospital with my mother. Now I have study hall.

"Meredith!" I hear my name being called. Lucky me it's Derek.


"Do you want to go out with me?"



"Because I said so."

"That's not a good enough answer. Come on just one date?"

"Fine." I replied in a mute tone.

"Ok I'll pick you up at 7:30 tonight."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!"

"I hate surprises." I whine.

"It'll be fun. Trust me."

"Fine. Can I have your number to text you my address because I doubt you remember where it is." He handed me his phone and I handed mine to him. Once I had his number I sent him the address. Now that the school day is over, I go home to get ready for tonight.

I end up picking out a nice jean colored button down long sleeve top and black jeans. I paired that outfit with white sneakers. Derek just texted saying that he was on his way but I'm still not sure where we are going. About 10 minutes later I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey." I greet him.

"Hey, ready to go?" He asks, excitement gleaming from his voice.

"Yup, are you going to tell me where we are going now?"

"Nope what's the fun if I tell you where we are going."

"Are you gonna kidnap and kill me?" I ask sarcastically.

"Awwww you figured it out," he replied in a sarcastic tone. "I promise I'm not going to kidnap or kill you." He says that seriously.

"Ok let's get going." I hop into the front seat of his car and we steer driving. I don't recognize where we are there are lots of trees but no buildings or anything like that.

"We are here." He puts the car into park.

"Where are we?" I question

"We are at my land. Which I don't know what to do with but I wanted to show you."

"Well then let's explore!" I say excitedly.

"Alright let's go." He chuckled in response. We start to walk on one of the many trails. We make it to this beautiful cliff that out looked the water.

"This is beautiful." I remark amazed by the sight.

"Not as beautiful as you." I blush at his complement. We sit and watch the water for what seems like forever but in reality it was only for 30 minutes. We start to walk back from the cliff and are making small talk. Once we make it back down from the hike we start to go towards the car and he drives me home. I invite Derek in for some coffee.

"So tell me about your self." I prompt him.

"Well I have 4 annoying sisters. Amy is three years younger than me, but Lizzy, Kathleen, and Nancy are all older. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, three half-sisters Lexie is six years younger than me, Molly is the same age as me, and Maggie is five years younger than me."

"Are you and Molly twins?" He asked.

"No, Lexie and Molly are my dad and his new wife's kids. Maggie is my mom and her new husbands kid. My mom and my dad both cheated they were married they got divorced when my dad found out my mom was pregnant."

"Well tonight was fun but I should get going we have class tomorrow. Then we are off for the weekend do you want to go on another date maybe get some dinner?"

"Yeah that will be fun. But I get to pick where we go this time."

"Ok see you over the weekend text me what time."

"Ok bye."

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