Chapter 5: The Music room

Start from the beginning

"J , i'm about to ..." and before Fred could get out his words. Jamie felt his liquid hit the back of her throat she swallowed it letting out a small gag.

Fred pulled up Jamie's face to his and gave her a small kiss, "Next time, it's your turn darling."  You stood up and Fred put he trousers back on.

Luckily they had finished at that point as someone had just knocked on the door. It was Molly telling them it was late and they should head to bed. Jamie and Fred both walked out of the room and headed towards the bathroom where they brushed their teeth together. When it was only them in the bathroom Fred gave Jamie a kiss before they both left the room. Jamie headed to the girls room.

 She got changed into her Pj's and got into bed knowing that the girls would be gossiping tonight. As soon as they were all in bed the gossip started.

"This talk boys." Ginny said and Jamie and Hermione laughed.

"Ok but you have to go first Ginny as it was your idea." Jamie said

"Fine, me and Harry are really happy. It's sad that my mum doesn't let us stay in the same room but I understand why. As she doesn't want a bunch of teens having sex in the house." This made Jamie and Hermione laugh. "However we did sneak of and get some alone time earlier when I left you Jamie. It was really good because this house is so crazy that I never get time alone with my own  boyfriend." 

"Yer that why your mum is going on a date with your dad tomorrow as she needs some alone time. I'm paying for the date as a treat. I'm happy you and Harry are doing good he needs someone there for him as we are his only family. So Mione how's you and Ron." Jamie asked.

"Well, I am in love. But I haven't told Ronald that I love him yet. We have sneaked off and had a few make out session. I am so thankful for you making me kiss him in that game Jamie. You are like a real life cupid." Hermione's words made Jamie and Ginny giggle.

"Hermione I am not cupid. I just helped Ron realise you also had feelings for him." Jamie said to Hermione.

"Well what about you Jamie. Made any moves on Fred." Ginny said. Jamie blushed.

"Yes" Jamie squealed "In fact he told me he liked me and I said I do to. This has led to a few make out sessions. So I am now an experienced virgin." 

"What do you means experienced." Hermione said putting air quotes around experienced.

"Well we have kissed and done some other stuff." Jamie said shyly

"OTHER STUFF" Ginny practically screamed . "what other stuff."

"Do you really want me to tell me about me and your brother." Jamie said.

"Er Yes" Ginny replied. " I love all gossip."

"Well you know" As Jamie motioned a hand and blow job. The girls burst out into happy squeals. "But you cant tell anyone else as we aren't dating yet. I think i'm going to ask him tomorrow."

"Ok" the girls said in unison. 

After the conversation it was pretty late but Jamie wasn't tired. The girls had already fallen asleep like normal. Jamie needed a drink so she got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. The house was quiet and nobody was awake. Jamie turned into the kitchen to see Fred also getting a drink.

"Poor me one will ya." Jamie asked Fred  making him making him jump.

"Crap you scared me. Can't sleep?" Fred asked giving you a glass.

"Just not very tired and I was thirsty" Jamie said to Fred.

"Yer, well I couldn't sleep I was to busy thinking about what happened earlier." His comment made Jamie blush and she look into Fred's eyes. His eyes were shining in he night light, making him even more attractive then before. Jamie lent up to kiss him there lips touched and they passionately kissed.

"Well I better get to bed, i'm pretty tried. See you in the morning sexy." Jamie said.

"Sexy.. I like it. Night darling." Fred said as they walked upstairs together and parted ways. 

Jamie got into bed with the biggest smile on her face and she couldn't stop thinking about what was next to come. After thinking about Fred and asking him out ,Jamie fell fast asleep.

(A/N: I know the relationship is moving fast. I though I would tell you why, Jamie and Fred have liked each other for a long time. They have always been flirty with one another as they both liked each other. So now they have confessed to liking each other they are showing it. Hope you liked the chapter. )

(Word count 1567 Words.)

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now