Training Camp

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"Are you not gonna talk about what happened?" You three had met up with Asahi, Ennoshita, and Tanaka.

"What happened?" Ennoshita asked

"Nothing." You rolled your eyes and sped up

"Stop trying to avoid everything" you felt a Daichi grab your arm

"A-are you crying?" Suga said. Making all the boys pause

"It's nothing. It just happened. We should hurry up."

"Hey, are you okay?" Tanaka ran up to your side

"Yeah. Just my minds a little full." Tanaka grabbed your hand. He gave you a smile.

"I'm always here if you need me. But do know I'm not holding your hand because I like you. My heart is reserved for another. And that other is Kiyoko" the boy skipped in a daze pulling your arm
You guys finally made it to school.

"Ummm what did I miss?" Noya said pointing at you and Tanaka holding hands

"Well um."

Tanaka squeezed your hand.
"Nothing just holding her hand"

Tanaka gave a smile to Noya. But it was really meant for Hinata. Who couldn't get his eyes off of you two

"What are you doing?" You whispered in the bald boys ear

"Nothing. Just making Hinata a little jealous" the boy snickered and dragged you onto the bus

"It's a while so get comfortable" Mr Takeda said before counting all of you

"Hey I have a idea" Tanaka said

"What are you doing?"

"Oh-wow-I-suddenly-want-to-sit-next-to- Noya- Hinata- do- you- mind- if- we- switch." The boy said not suspiciously at all 😉

"Tanaka you switch with him and so help me I would rip your head off"

"Oh-no- it-seems-as-if-I-already-switched-seats"

"Hey Y/N..."

"Shoyo heyyyy" you gave him a smile

"Did you get any messages by any chance last night?"

You gulped and stared out the window
"No not at all. Why?"

"Oh umm no reason just wondering" the boys voice trailed of as he started to turn his attention from you to Kageyama

"What's up?" Kageyama whispered

"She said she never got the messages!?!" Hinata whispered screamed

"How you sent her like 50"

"I don't know. She seems like she doesn't want to talk to me"

"Yea I wouldn't want to talk to you either"

"You're talking to me right now"

"Shut up idiot no I'm not"

You didn't get much sleep last night. You were up all night rearranging your room. Then you organized everything. Then you cleaned the kitchen. And then you cleaned out your closet. And then you painted your nails. And then you started writing and doing work. And then you just gave up and stared at the ceiling to 5:40. Leaving you about 20 minutes of sleep.

You start to doze off. Catching Hinata off guard.

"Umm Y/N?"

"Hey idiot put your arm around her. She's tired." Kageyama scoffs

Hinata takes his sweater out of his bag and lays it on you. He then gently placed your head on his shoulder smiling proudly. Trying to ignore the blush on his cheeks and nose. He puts his arm around you hugging you. Placing his head on yours.

"Aww look at them" Suga said pointing to the two of you.

Hinata had fell asleep on you. Turns out he too didn't get any sleep. He had been up all night waiting for your response.
"We are here!!" Mr Takeda yelled happily

"Hey shoyo, Y/N time to get up"

You had woken up to see the whole team including Yachi and Kiyoko surrounding you and Hinata

"Mhm what's going on?" You mumbled rubbing your face

"Nothing just you and Shoyo being cute" the blonde girl answered

"Huh what do you mean" Hinata turned to see you with his sweater on. Rubbing your face with your hair in your face.

The boy turned red. He pushed a strand of your H/C
hair behind your ear. You were still half asleep. Startled you punched the boy in the jaw

"Omg omg omg... are you okay?" You grabbed his face and stared at him. You look away blushing

"Umm you realize you are all still staring at them when we have places to be" Tsukki said shooting everyone back to reality

You pushed your way through everyone on the bus to Tanaka. Trying your best to avoid Hinata

"Hey thanks for that" you said rolling your eyes

"I mean it worked in your favor did it not"

"No it didn't Tanaka. It actually just made me think about more things"

You grabbed Tanakas hand.
"Now pretend to be infatuated with me or something. And you are not leaving my side. Got it"

"Yes ma'am. You know you're a little scary"

You laughed a little.

"Also one more thing."

You turned to the boy. Staying still waiting for the rest of the team. Still holding Tanakas hand. Like a toddler.

"You still have Hinatas sweater on"
You looked down grabbing the sweater.

"Oh goddd" you smushed your face into Tanakas chest

"There...there." He patted your head trying not to laugh.
A few minutes past and finally all the schools were their. You couldn't wait to meet some new people. And see some old friends.

"Hey Yachi?"

"Yea Y/N?"

"Do you happen to know where Seijoh might be"

"Seijoh and Nekoma are doing a practice game soon. I was just heading there if you want to come with me"

"Yess I would love that"

As you walked with the girl you couldn't help but notice her keep staring at you.

"Yea?" You finally said

"Sorry it's just... you say you like Hinata. He clearly likes you back. You then kiss him. You continue to wear his sweater all day. But refuse to admit that you got those messages"

"Look I didn't tell you that for you to use it against me"

"I'm not... I'm sorry it's just"

"I'm only playing with you. Loosen up a bit. But yeah it's just I can't do that to myself just yet I can't do that to Hinata.When I'm ready...okay?"

"Yeaaa when your ready"

"Y/N~channnnnn or should I say Shortyyy"

My Little Crow Hinata X Fem ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora