Yet !!

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"Who said that" you turned

"Said what?" Suga questioned

"The thing about Tsukki pushing me because I'm a girl"

"Oh umm I did" Hinata said raising his hand

You give the boy a smile and walked up to him. You pushed him making him fall on the floor.

"What the hell Y/N!" Daichi yells

"Hey Hinata, love, realize how when I pushed you it still hurt"

The boy nodded

"And people still got mad and jumped to your aid because I pushed you and you got hurt"

The boy nodded again. With a look of worry in his eyes.

"And you clearly have a di-" Daichi coughs.

"I mean I've seen it. Sorta. You're a hormonal little boy. You should take care of that thing when around me"

Hinata turned red.
"Do you understand my point yet?"

No one answered.
"My point is. No matter what gender I am. Doesn't give the right for that tall lanky son of b!**h to push me. Although his mother might actually be a lovely woman"

"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean-"

"It's fine you're a man. A boy. Society is okay with what you say." You turn back around and grab your bag.

"One more thing. And remember this. Women are less pu**y then you boys will ever be. You guys might have balls. But we show it." You walk out and head to the bathroom to change.

You walk out of the bathroom when you bump into someone.

"Ahh sorry." It was Kurro

"No im sorry." You walk away and head over to a group of girls.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Yachi was telling us about that outburst you had with the boys." One of the girls say

"Well yeah. We are part of the team. I'm tired of being treated like we aren't. All these guys practically fall to are feet. Just watch and learn"

You walk up to Kurro who was talking to Kenma and Yamamoto

"Hey guys." You give the boys smiles.

You walk towards Yamamoto and put a hand on his chest. Laying your head on his shoulder.

"You know I'm wayyy more comfortable to lean on" Kurro grinned

"You know I'm actually really thirsty boys. Do you mind getting me some water." You look up to Kurro. While rubbing Yamamotos chest.

"Oh and can you get me and the girls over there some snacks. That would be amazing." You smile at Yamamoto.

"Of course whatever you need." Yamamoto ran away. Kurro chased after him. Kenma walked after them still staring at his game.

You wink at the girls.
"Watch this" you mouth

"Hey Kenma. Your hair looks really cute today. I think you get more handsome every time I see you."

"Uh- thanks" the boy smiles and turns red walking away.

"And that's how you do it" you bowed in front of the girls

They all giggled.
The boys quickly came back with drinks and all kinds of snacks in hand.

You grab them from the boys and hand them to the girls. Telling them to go to the room.

"Thank you boys" you kiss each one of them on the cheek and head after the girls.

"No problem" Kurro smiles.

"Woah Y/N. The boys must really like you"

You give them a smile.
"I guess but it's all about being nice. And I never lied to them. Which is key"

"Wait so you find Kenma handsome?" Kaori said scarfing down chips.

"I mean yeah. He's cute. All the boys are in their own special ways"

"But you told me you didn't find Oikawa attr-" you cover the blonde girls mouth

"I don't. Just I'm not gonna deny he's okay looking"

"Mhm I see" Yachi say rubbing her chin

All the girls begin to laugh at Yachi. You roll your eyes laughing too
The rest of the training camp seems to go by quick.

"Hey Y/N the bus is ready let's go!" Tanaka yelled at you

"Got it let me just say my goodbyes first"

You go over to Oikawa and Iwa and give them a hug and kiss goodbye. A good bye wave to Kindaichi. And a goodbye hug to the rest of the new people you became friends with.

You walk on to the bus and sit next to Hinata. He's looking out the window. You place your head on his shoulder and put in one of your headphone buds. Closing your eyes. You feel his soft and warm hand grab yours. Making you blush a little. He starts to rub circles with his thumb making you slowly drift off to sleep.
"Hey Y/N wake up we made it back"

You stretch and rub your eyes. The boy still held your hand. You kiss his hand. He blushes in response . He stands up and grabs yours and his bag. Walking off the bus.

"Hey love birds, mind not showing pda" Noya remarks.

Tanaka laughs in response to Noya. You roll your eyes at them. Making them laugh even more.

"Oh shut it you dumb idiots. You're just jealous."

The boys quickly shut up and it's your turn to laugh.

"How about you all be quite and head into the gym"
Daichi spat. Pushing you four

"B-but I didn't even-"

"Yea Yea Hinata but this is what you get when in a relationship with Y/N"

"We aren't together yet" you said pushing your brother

"Y-yet?" Hinatas ears perked in happiness

"Yea" you give the boy a smile.

You guys arrived early so you took that time to practice a little more before heading home.


"Hinata for the last time let it go."

"But you said yet"

You'd served to Kageyama.
"Yet is a strong word Y/N" Kageyama shrugged

"Stay out of it." You rolled your eyes

"I think what Kageyama is trying to say is you can't kiss the kid and then except him not to freak out when you say yet"

"What are talking about Tanaka we didn't kiss" you shoot Tanaka a look.

"No what are you taking about you and Hinata totally kissed." Noya remarked

My Little Crow Hinata X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now