Time skip pt.2

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"Hey babe let's go."

"Give me a sec I'm to excited." Hinata walked in the room to see you jumping in place

"God you are beautiful."

"Huh?" You turned to see your boyfriend standing in the door way. One hand gripping onto the top of the door way

"Sorry I'm just jittery. It's been so long. Only one I've seen face to face and not just called is my brother."

"Hey relax. Plus think about making fun of Tsukishima for saying he wasn't gay and than marrying Tadashi."

You laughed. "He was in denial."

"Come on we'll be late." He reached for your hand. You interlaced your hands with his.

Hinata reached for a duffel bag that was on the table and walked you out of the house. You kissed him on the cheek thanking him for holding the bag. Although he always did.

No matter how many times you asked and he said it was okay you still did. Or at least tried to get the bags

After a long drive you two made it to Karasuno high school. You smiled at the gymnasium. Hinata parked and grabbed the bags from the drunk and before he could open the door for you, you were already on your run to the doors.

"Hey wait up."

"Hurry up I have to get the jackets from Mr.Takeda"

"Okay okay." Hinata laughed walking to your side. You reached for the door handle taking a deep breath you opened it.

"Coach! Mr. Takeda." You yelled

The two men stood talking over a cardboard box. Ukai had grown out his blonde and now just had brown which fit him way more than a dye job. Mr Takeda looked so cute. His chocolate brown curly hair has now swirls of gray in it.

He pushed up his glasses. You walked over the two men and hugged them. Takeda stumbled back before hugging you back

He handed you the box. You opened it to see piles of Karasuno jackets.

"Ahh thank you so much Takeda. Here." You hand him money and walk over to Hinata. He threw down the duffle and took the sweater from your hands.

Throwing it on he gave you a kiss on the forehead. He talked to Coach and Mr. Takeda

"Hey can I get the keys. I need to get something from the car." You asked Hinata

Hinata nodded. As soon as you exited the gym your old friends and classmates start spilling out of the door on the other side of the gym.

"Is she gone?!" Tanaka smiled

"Oh god guys. Thank you for this." Hinata said holding back tears.

"No problem. Now hurry up and give me the ring boys get the sweaters on and start playing." Kiyoko smiled

You pushed down the trunk of the car after grabbing some waters from the car. You heard some movements in the gym. Maybe Hinata was just getting warmed up.

You hadn't seen anyone come in through the front door so it wasn't like any of your teammates had come.

You jogged to the door and opened it to see the boys all playing volleyball. Kiyoko had been filling up water bottles with Yachi. All while Coach Ukai and Takeda started making up plays

It was just like old times. You stand in the door way a tear falling from your eyes.

"W-when did all of you guys get here?" Your body stuck in the door way.

"Oh like a couple hours ago." Daichi smiled he jogged over to you and handed you a flower

"What's this for?" You asked

"Oh yeah nice to see you again Y/N" Suga handed you a flower

"What is this guys? How did you know these were my favorite"

"Lucky guess." Asahi said handing you one while scratching his neck

"We havent seen each other in years why are you guys acting like it's nothing" you laughed

"Y/N. It's good see you." Kiyoko handed you a flower

"Yay me next." Noya jumped in front of you

"Not fair I wanted to go before you. Everyone knows I was the superior second year back then." Tanaka groaned handing you the flower

You hugged him tight. And wouldn't let go until you saw Ennoshita coming towards you two.

"Hey." He smiles handing you a flower

"Hey Enno." You smiled back

"Here you go princess." Kinoshita smiled

"Thank you kind sir" you bowed laughing

Once the original third years graduated you got really close to the kinoshita, Ennoshita, and Narita.
Kinoshita even was in a play with you. Where you were a princess and he was the knight.

As he handed you the flower Narita walked up for his turn.

"Hey there is my favorite baldi don't tell Tanaka."

"Got it!" He snickered handing you the flower

You looked to your right to see them all lining up in order


"Hey Idiot."

Kageyama smiled a tear forming in his eye. He handed you the flower and walked away. Not the interaction you were expecting

"Guess I'm next." Tsukkishima grinned he walked over to you dangling the flower over your head.

"Heh still short."

"Oh whatever." You rolled your eyes he handed you the flower

"Tsukki! I told you not to do that when it was your turn!" Yamaguchi shook his head and smiled at you handing you a flower

"I guess I'm last. Well not last but I mean well I just kinda um."

"Hi Yachi."

"Hi!" Yachi handed you a flower hugging you afterwards

All of a sudden Hinata runs in.
"Hey Kageyama help me with this quick??"

"Got it!" Kageyama yelled back

The two head for the net. Tanaka and noya walk you the other side of the net.

The two do there quick and it hits the floor with a boom coming straight for you. You grabbed it mid air. And to your surprise it pops

Powder of colors such as blue and orange shoot out of it. You gasp. Hinata jogs towards you and grabs the ball from your hand swatting the air around you two

He got down on one knee and gave you a great big smile. A tear fell down his face.

" Y/N Sawamura you are my best friend and even after all the mistakes I've made over and over again you've only helped to encourage that making mistakes isn't a bad thing and never will be. And I know for a fact that one thing that wasn't a mistake is falling so deeply in love with you that it hurts. You are there with me every second of the day making me smile. And although I'm absolutely still terrified of Daichi and even you some times. I brought you back to the place I met you, I've realized you liked me and I liked you, and the place where I hope to say that you said yes to me. So I guess what I'm asking is would you take this ring and make me the happiest man alive and marry me Y/N."

Everyone awaits your answer...

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