Kei and Freckles

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Mr. Takeda followed you out of the classroom

"What was that!?"

"That guy was harassing me it was called self defense. And I apologize for the fingers I don't know where that came from."

"It's fine I won't report you to the principal but please try not to get into anymore arguments. And I also apologize for bringing up volleyball. Coach told me what happened yesterday I just completely forgot."

"Its okay."

Mr Takeda gave you a hug with a reassuring squeeze.

"Now take a breather before walking back in"

You nodded. As you were walking in the boy you had hit with the book was walking to the nurses office. He seemed scared of you. Especially since you were able to
"Convince Mr.Takeda to let you back into class"

Class went by fast. But you could tell Kageyama and Hinata wanted to talk to you so badly. But you had to ignore them.

"One more thing before you go. We will be having a group project. You'll be working with the two people closets to you."

Hinatas face lit up and so did Kageyama's only slightly.

"Mr. Takeda may I do the project on my own."

Mr. Takeda looked over at the two people closets to you. He nodded his head before putting away his papers.

"Wait no Mr.Takeda that isn't-"

"Kageyama if you have a question for me I advise you do it at practice. Until then I am busy" Mr Takeda waved goodbye to you and the boys and walked out

"Hey Y/N stop ignoring us. And seriously not wanting to do the project with us. I'm not the one who broke your heart"

"One he didn't break my heart. Two you and Hinata share a brain cell. And lastly you'll probably just try to convince me to go back on the team." You waved goodbye to Kageyama and walked to your next class

"What the hell Kageyama."

"What you did break her heart not me I'm just stating facts"

"Oh sureee whatever."
Your next few classes go by fast. You decided to head home since practice wouldn't be done for a couple of hours.

You take a shower and get dressed. You decided to go to the store and buy some snacks since Tadashi and Tsukki were nice enough to let you join them today.

"Hmm what time is it?"

The clock struck 4:40 and you packed up all the snacks and drinks you had bought. You went to coach Ukai's store and bought some meat buns for the team and extra for when you met up with Tsukki and Tadashi.

(A/N: I'm a American and after school activities where I live end at around five/ five thirty. But if you know what time they leave school in Japan or just in the show let me know.)

You had to admit you missed the boys. Every single one of them. Even if some were to loud or too quite.

Practice ended and you stood outside the doors. The group of boys busted out the doors.

"What's that smell?" Tanaka yelled sniffing the air

"Smells like MEAT BUNS" Noya yelled

"Calm down stop acting like dogs." Ennoshita groaned

"Hey guys I actually bought some for the team." You hand each one of the boys a meat bun.

"Even you Hinata... so don't ignore me"

You hand one to Hinata.
"Thank you." He bows his head and walks next to Kageyama.

"Hey freckles, Tsukki poo"

"I told you to stop calling me that yesterday"

"Yesterday. What is Y/N already making advances to other team members." Tanaka laughed

"Haha very funny Tanaka." You punched the boy in the arm

"Ooo watch out Hinata" Noya remarked walking away with a couple of the boys

"Hey don't mind them you two let's go" Tadashi skipped ahead of us.

"He's right let's go Tsukki poo"

"Stop calling me that" the boy trudged behind you. You ran up next to Tadashi.

"Hey Tsukishima." Tsukki turned around to see two of his teammates eyeballing him

"May I help you royal highness?"

"You and Y/N aren't-"

"No king I am not dating Y/N. For crying out loud her and Hinata just broke up. She's still hurting. I might be a jerk. But you're still technically my team and I'm not the type of person to do that." Tsukki walked off

"Whatever you say!" Hinata hollered

"I knew he was g-"Kageyama groaned at Hinata

"I'm not gay" Tsukki yelled

"Haha you owe me five bucks told you he was bisexual" Hinata laughed

"I'm straight!" Tsukki stopped in his tracks turning to yell at the two

"Sure whatever you say. Have a good night" Suga laughed passing Tsukki

"Why does everyone think I'm gay?"

"Tsukki if you don't hurry up! Y/N brought Dino nuggets and if we want them hot we gotta go"

"That's why!" Tanaka yelled.

"I thought you already left" Tsukki snarled

"Nah we were just hiding from Y/N" Noya boomed

"We should probably get going I think Ennoshita actually left us" Narita bugged Noya and Tanaka

"Wait before you all go! Was it the chicken nuggets or Tadashi that makes it looks like I'm gay?"

"Both!" The team yell in unison

"Oh and the fact you're only nice to him"

"If y'all don't go home so I can watch some damn movies!" You yell

"Sorry Y/N!" The boys yell back before walking away

"You really are little Daichi. But again they only shut up because you're scary."

"Am not."

"Are too" Tadashi grinned

"Oh be quite freckles"

"So Tsukki. You gay or not"

"I'm not talking about this"

"Why not?" You groaned


"Because Tadashi is here" you nudge Tsukki laughing

"Don't make me regret asking you"

"Wait wait wait. Freckles you didn't force him into texting me?"

"Nope not at all. It was all Tsukkis idea"

"Oh wow Tsukki"

"Just shut up and get inside"

Tsukki held the door open for you and Yamaguchi.

"Mom! Kei is home with a friend other then Tadashi!"

You laugh.

"That's not funny"

"Aw come on kei I think it's funny."

"Don't call me Kei"

"Aww Kei I like that." Tadashi laughes

"Be quite Tadashi"

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