"Just a week"

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"Hey um Y/N can I talk to you?" You turn around to see Hinata holding his bag.

"Oh sure. Give me a minute Daichi." Daichi's nodded and grabs your bag in response

"What's the matter?" You ask

"I um I love you. Like a lot. And I just wanted to know if this was gonna happen or not. I'm so sorry for what I did and I just really like you. And I don't know I feel like your gonna find someone better then me if I don't say something now an-"

"Hinata! Enough."

"Oh sorry"

"Look I would love to get back with you... but I don't know if you're mentally there Hinata."

"I am there I swear Y/N I swear."

"Look just give me a week to think about it okay? Just a week"

"... alright." Hinata made a croaking sound as he tried his best to keep back tears

"Bye." You gave the boy a half smile and walked off

"Hey. Trust me she loves you. It's gross." Tsukishima made a gagging noise before walking off

Tadashi ran after him waving good bye to the rest of the team. Kageyama grabbed Hinata and threw him into the gym.

"Let's go. Get your mine off of it." Kageyama groaned

"Yea let's do this." Yachi smiled throwing a ball in the air

"Thanks guys" Hinata smiled
You turned around hoping that Hinata was still there. You are so badly terrible at love that you were so willingly about to forgive him.

But luckily for you Kageyama had already pulled Hinata into the gym. Daichi grabbed your hand as he saw you stare towards the entrance of the gym doors

"Come on. You did the right thing." You reluctantly walk with Daichi home. So badly wanting to have those romantic scenes like in the cute romance mangas Yachi reads

Although you were proud you stood your ground. Not just to Hinata but to the rest of the team. Once you got home you kicked your shoes off and kissed Daichi on the cheek. Wishing him a good night.

Heading to the bed room you flop down on your bed. Wondering if playing that game was the right choice.

You pick up your phone to scroll through your notes. Going through all the deleted phone numbers. You copied and pasted five number into a group chat.

-Hey Hey Hey how's everyone

-Hey Hey Hey that's my line 🧍🏻‍♂️

-Who are the other two numbers?

- Those are the other two people who owe me something

Milk bread 🍞
- Milk bread at your service 😌

Sir spikey head 🤬
-shut up Sh!**ykawa, what can we do for you Y/N?

You 💖
-I need boy advice so I thought we could talk about it over a three on three say around 11'o clock meet at Karasuno's gym

Milk bread 🍞
-wait wait wait three on three? Who's team would you be on? The other three numbers play volleyball? And who are the other numbers?

- You'll find out soon 😚

And with that you plugged in your phone turning over in your bed. Closing your eyes and heading to sleep.
You jumped out of bed at 9 hoping to quickly get ready and practice before anyone had made it.

You had convinced Coach to give you the keys in the morning although you would have to stop by at his first.

Considering he was nice enough to give them to you, you didn't care too much to stop by. And maybe even buy some snacks and waters for you and the guys.

You hopped in the shower and took your time to figure out what you would wear. You ate breakfast trying your best to avoid your brother. Even though that didn't last long

"Hey! What are you doing all dressed? Going for a run? What are you eating?"

"Which question should I answer first?" You laughed drinking a glass of orange juice.

"The food question because I want to know if you made me any?" Daichi gave you a smile hoping you did make him food

"It's F/F. And,Yeah it's on the stove." Your brother thanked you before sitting across from you at the table.

"And no I'm going to go play volleyball with a couple of friends."

"I see, can I know who these friends are?"

"Actually why don't you be are ref?"

"Sounds great!" Daichi jumped up from the table and went to go get dressed

After a couple of minutes Daichi came down the stairs dressed and ready to leave. You guys headed to Coaches shop. You made conversation as Daichi picked out snacks and water putting them on the counter

You paid and thanked Coach for lending you the spare key. He nodded in response and waved goodbye at Daichi who had walked over to the door way

"Wait you know I never got a answer on those friends."

"I think it's a little late for you to run now so I'll tell you." As you walked up to the gym to see Bokuto and kuroo arguing as Akaashi held Bokuto back

"Oh god."

"Yup." You pat your brother on the back before running over

"What happened?" You asked akaashi

"They're trying to figure out who the other three are."

"Is one of them Daichi!" Bokuto asked

"No idiot we have his number saved."kuroo crossed his arms

"Sadly I know who one of them are."

"You do akaashi! Why didn't you tell me." Bokuto pouted

"You didn't give me the chance."

"But but but who is it!"

"Don't tell him. Knowing them they're also going to be earlier than I thought. For now let's just get inside and warm up."

"Wait how do you know the other one akaashi."

"Setter meet up."

"Setters?! Who could possibly be coming. It can't be Kenma." Bokuto crossed his arms

"And it can't be Suga or Kageyama than who?" Kuroo questioned

"Just wait and see." You smiled and

Almost on time

"Hey short stack."

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