When he's jealous

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He is by no means afraid to show someone that you're his. whatever it may be that he has to do to get the point across to the person he's jealous of. He hates it when guys he doesn't know hang around you. and it's not because he doesn't trust you more as he doesn't trust other people.
"Hey your really cute and I was wondering if could get your number" " sorry I have a boyfriend" " I'm not seeing him anywhere"  cue the exact moment when a pair of arm wrap around your waist. "Get lost buddy" "tch whatever"

He tries to be nice to the person he's jealous of at first. But after a while if they don't get the message he starts to get a little bit snippy with the person.
"Hey back the fuck up dude"

Vin tries to avoid confrontation. So when he's jealous he just tends to become really clingy. Wrapping his arms around you, holding your hand, bugging you ECT.

Clingy and snippy. Especially if the person refuses to take the hint.
"Hey dude what part of her saying she has a boyfriend escapes your frame of understanding"

Death glares. I mean holy shit if looks could kill. Maybe If I stare at his head long enough it will spontaneously combust.

Most of the time he's jealous of Observer as the motherfucker likes to flirt with you. When this happens he usually tells him to fuck off or threatens him. And it is by no means an empty threat especially if he gets pissed enough.

WILL NOT hesitate to pull a knife and shank a bitch. "If you have a boyfriend then where is he" "Probably planning his next murder if you don't leave" " heh yeah right" and as if on cue he is next to you within the blink of an eye already pulling out a knife "thank you God for this fool I'm about to consume"

Protective as fuck. And is not afraid to let the person that you are his.

"Can I kill him" "no Obs" "just a little"
Very weird and unsettling threats. "I'm going to boil your teeth"

He's really chill but if a person tries to touch you he'll knock a bitch out.

Alex Koval:
Sassy literally SASSY AS FUCK.

Innocent smile Well trying to hold back the rage inside. Grits teeth as he tries not to say anything horrible.

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