Weird things he's does

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Weird animal noises sometimes for no reason.

The way he will pick up a glass really weirds you out. Hand right over the top of it (although it's a force of habit)
(No pun intended)

It's not so much as something he can control. But he will start out sleeping in a normal position only to end up looking like he's possessed by morning.

Alex Koval
It's not weird so much as it is morbid. He will make jokes about his parents deaths.
(Typically until Jeff tells him to stop)
And typically he doesn't.

Sometimes he will play with cigarette ashes in the ashtray. He says it's because the texture is really nice.

He will run his tongue in between his tooth gap. And it did not so much as weird as it is adorable.

When he's biting his nails. He will bite one almost completely off. And then bend it while it is still attached. Typically playing with it.

Alex Kralie
He is constantly messing with his glasses. Whether they're clean or not.

it's not something he physically does. But he acts like a kid trying to hide his alcohol from their parents. He just has random stashes around the house.

He will catch random animals. And try to befriend them and make them his pet.If they're dead though he will try to eat them.

Ren/R Noah
Even if he has a perfectly good bookmark he will use anything but the bookmark to mark his book.

Not so much weird but he plays with his hair along. When it gets longer he'll put it into a ponytail or do weird things with it.

He plays with his glasses a lot. Like just doing weird shit with them.

He stalks me Noah a lot and he does it to you sometimes too. More of a he'll watch you and you know he's watching you but he likes to stay hidden.And sometimes he'll stare at you for long periods of time without saying anything. It can be kind of unsettling

He will poke his canine teeth. Patrick's teeth are extremely sharp and sometimes he'll just play with them. Feeling how sharp they are typically.

not something he does but he has an odd obsession with fedoras

He will constantly make jokes about not having a second middle finger.

She will constantly retire her ponytail even if it is tight enough.

He wears his cult robe around the house.
He says it makes him feel like a superhero.

He'll just make random faces at random times just because.

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