Prebrand x reader his angel

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"FUCK" you screamed running down the boardwalk like a madman. God I hate this place I hate Mongo that stupid spider. And I HATE those stupid collective fuckers.

At this point you your chest was starting to hurt from how long you had been running. I need to think of something and quick!  You took the backpack off your shoulders and started to open it as you were running. Rummaging through it for anything that you didn't need. An apple. You turned around throwing it as hard as you could at the spider. The spider stopped in it's tracks being halted by the apple and gave out an angry sound. You cheered triumphantly running faster before diving into some bushes hiding there while the damn thing was destracted. Collapsing on the ground your breathing heavy and your body exhausted. You looked up hearing a horrible screech only to see Mongo rush past you. You waited a minute before letting out a breath of relief.

God this sucks. You sat up looking around. I swear I'll never get out of this shit hole. I hope Noah isn't too worried about me, Laughing at the thought.  He's probably freaking the fuck out right now.
You stood up and looked around again before emerging from your hiding spot. You adjusted the straps of your backpack as you started to walk again.

To say you were pissed was an understatement. It feels like it's been hours and no progress has been made. Just being looped in circles. You felt tears threaten to spill as you stopped walking. What if I never get out of here. What if I die. What if I never see Noah again. You started to cry really hard at that last thought. Letting the tears fall as the feeling of defeat washed over you.
You heard the sound of shoes on the boardwalk and turned around not seeing anyone there. You turned around only to come face to face with a strange man. "Hey there stranger" you screamed staggering back as he laughed. " Oh FUCK THIS" you turned to run but didn't get far because suddenly he was in front of you. "Awww where you going" "what the..who are you?" He smiled wider at you. "wow you don't recognize me that's harsh"  he laughed. "Noah?" His eyes lit up at that. He spread his arms " the one and only...well sorta" he said with a cheeky smile. He looked really different. His jeans were kinda faded and he was wearing a white t shirt with a sachel thrown across his chest. His hair was way longer than usual and his beard was longer.

"How did you get here you were at the house" he scratched his head sheepishly. "I am Noah but more like a future version" he said waving his hands around. "But I thought firebrand was future Noah" "he's not the only one" "how many are there?" "Three" " WAIT you're the one who cut his hand"    "Aww is he still on about that" you began to back up feeling scared. He noticed and smiled more. "Don't worry (y/n) I would never hurt you" "Why should I believe you!" Suddenly he was behind you and his arms were wrapped around your waist. You thrashed trying to get free but to no avail and after a few moments gave up. "You know we really care about you Angel all we want is to protect you" he unwrapped his arms from your waist and spun you around to face him. You tried to run again but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you again. You were about to protest but... His face. He had the most genuine smile you'd ever seen on someone's face. His eyes were soft and inviting. The arms around your waist you noticed weren't holding you very tightly and if you wanted to you could probably get away but you were stuck just gazing at him. He was warm and it felt nice to have him hold you. "You mean the world to us and we would protect you until the end of time"  you didn't know why but you couldn't help but smile. "We care about you so much sweetheart words can't describe it" at this point you were tearing up and smiling like an idiot.      "(Y/n) we- we love you" you felt the floodgates open as you stears streamed down your face. He reached his hand up to cup your face and wipe the tears with his thumb. You found yourself leaning into his touch. "I love you too" your lips met his. Prebrand froze but relaxed after a minute smiling into the kiss. As his arm pulled you closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips moving against his in a slow gentle kiss. You swore you could practically feel the love radiating from him. You both pulled away even though neither of you wanted to. "I should probably send you back" "you don't have about I visit".       "sounds good I love you angel" he kissed you for a second and when you opened your eyes you were back at the house. "NOAH" you screamed. It only took a moment for you to hear rushed footsteps and see a panicked Noah in front of you. He ran and hugged you picking you up and spinning you around. "FUCK I thought I lost you" you smiled. "I was so worried" before he had the chance to ramble you kissed him. "I love you Noah Maxwell" you mumbled when you pulled away. He smiled and kissed you holding you close. "I love you too angel"
Noah decided right then and there he would protect you no matter what it took. Because you are his Saving grace his angel.

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