Noah x reader

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"Noah pays attention to me" you whined. "for the love of- (y/n) I'm trying to watch this news report" Noah retorted. you huffed and crossed your arms like a child. you suddenly decided he had enough of Noah ignoring you. you walked over to the couch where Noah was seated and crawled into his lap. You made yourself comfortable in the Florida man's lap cuddled against his chest. "aww do you want cuddles" Noah teased in a baby voice. You only huffed and nuzzled further into Noah's chest. "shut up" you muttered blushing. "you're so cute" he baby talked kissing your forehead. Noah reached to the side of the couch to retrieve a blanket and spread it over the two of you. "there now you can be a bit warmer" you looked up at him and smiled uttering a small thank you. After a while, your eyes started to get heavy as you began to fall asleep. Noah chuckled and turned the tv off. He set the remoted down and got settled. "I love you sweetheart he whispered kissing your forehead and falling asleep himself.

(I know that was really short but i wanted to do a short cute one shot)

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