Yandere/ Soft Milo Headcanons

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*He is VERY protectective of you. Milo has a lot of trauma and doesn't want anything bad to happen to you.

*He gets paranoid and you have to reassure him.

*He not used to positive physical affection  and so it really surprises him whenever you give him a hug, or anything of that nature.

*He gets jealous very easily.He's not used to having good people in his life, so when he does he's a very protective of them.

*Can and will kill someone for making you upset or getting too close.

*Can be a little possessive at times.

*Milo has a lot of scars, so you love like to draw butterfly's over them. (He loves this)

*Forehead and temple kisses YES PLEASE. he is a fan both giving and receiving.

*He hat nightmares a lot so make sure to comfort him.

*Milo likes it when you play with his hair.

*He loves cuddling with you and napping with you.
*He is VERY clingy

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