Vinny x reader

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"Wow someone's a little grumpy today" the tall man know as Vinny mused. You grumbled at him burying yourself underneath the covers more.

It was currently raining outside and windy as Hell also making it cold in the house even with the heat going. Vinny suggested a date inside watching a movie in cuddling which you accepted.

But every time he would get up the warmth that you had built up would decrease. This caused you to get very grumpy and you would gripe at him to stay sitting down.

This time Vinny had gotten up to go get some more snacks while they both be sat there watching a movie. To be honest you weren't even paying attention just trying to get warm. After he came back and the both of you got situated again It wasn't long before... "Oh shit I have to pee"

You groaned and clung to him begging him not to pick it up which he did anyways. You sat there and decided you had had enough. Scrunching up the blanket around you and a giant cocoon. When Vinny came back he chuckled. "Are you just not going to share the blanket"

in response to you glared and stuffed your tongue out at him. "You keep getting up and ruining my warmness so no it's mine now" he laugh at you and smiled. "What if I go make us some hot chocolate"

You perked up at the idea. "I suppose I could forgive you as long as you had marshmallows" He nodded his head and walked off to the kitchen chuckling the whole way there. At this point you were starting to get pretty warm and even almost fell asleep.

When Vinny came back a little bit later and handed you a mug you chugged it enjoying the warm that it gave. While Vinny  sipped on his slowly. after a while though you start to get sleepy and curled into him a bit more.

Vinny turned to you to ask you question only to see you asleep. He smiled and got up grabbing another blanket. Covering himself up and telling with you until he inevitably fell asleep.This is how both of you tended to like to spend rainy days. And he wouldn't change it for the world.

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