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Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated! And a lot of stuff has happened  since I've been gone!

For starters, I was logged out of my account and couldn't get back in, so..... that's something!! My mental health took a bit of a dip, and I've had writers block so bad I didn't know if I'd ever find the motivation to post again. Yet here I am!

I'm gonna try to post regularly again and stick to it. No promises, but I'm gonna try.

I would also like to talk about some things.

Another sad thing has come up with Jeffery Koval from everymanhybrid, and it made me distance from the fandom a bit. If you don't know about the whole Jeff thing, it is on Amandas Twitter. I HIGHLY suggest you go and read it. My heart goes out to his ex, and anyone else affected.

October it domestic abuse awareness month for those who don't know, and as someone who grew up watching TribeTwelve and Everymanhybrid, it hurts, especially as someone who was affected. I feel for these people more!

I don't support Adam or Jeff, and it makes me so unbelievably mad that people who have a presence online seem to get away with so much! Adam deserves to be in jail for the things he did, and Jeff shouldn't be looked up to as a creator.

It's hard to think your favorite creators could do something so awful once the cameras are off. And it can be harder to accept the fact that in a lot of cases, those things that these people did were straight up crimes.

There are still people who support Adam and it is beyond sickening.

Adam Rosner is a pedophile and rapist and has done so many horrible things its unreal. Yet people still support him, even tho he barely acknowledged his fans before the accusations came out.

What I'm mainly trying to say is that you shouldn't put the creators you like on a pedestal they are only human and they are gonna fuck up or do bad things. There is a lot of good in the fandom, but there's a lot of bad too.

As someone who was abused for pretty much all of their childhood, I hope that all victims, whether current or in the past, get the closure and safety that they deserve. NO ONE deserves to go through that.

I just wanted to talk a little bit about that since it popped back up again. I hope yall have a good night/day.

Also I can't reply to the comments right now because it's not letting me for whatever reason.

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