Would they let you be on top?

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This might actually come a surprise but yes. Although you'd have to beg him. And it wouldn't happen very often but on a few days where he's feeling needy but not wanting to actually do anything He's more than happy to let you be on top.

Top bottom or not to him it really doesn't matter. As long as you're both happy and enjoying yourselves

Yes always. He's a pretty shy guy most of the time and he's very afraid of hurting you. So he lets you take control. Sometimes you wish he would but you don't want to force him to do anything he's not comfortable with.

A lot like evan It doesn't matter to him most of the time. But he does like being on bottom he just thinks you topping him is one of the best things he's ever experienced.

Alex Koval
Absolutely! He loves when you too it makes you feel confident and strong. And he likes empowering you.

It really doesn't matter to him either way. But once he does get going he'll find himself more often than not on top.

Almost never. He is very dominant and he likes to show you that. he likes watching you squirm and making you feel small. So it is very rare whenever you are on top.

Yes. Ok come on this man can be a total bottom at times.

He'll say no but what he really means is. (I'm too embarrassed to ask you so I'm going to let you figure it out on your own)

Pre brand
It's a lot like Noah.But he doesn't look like you do an often He prefers to be on top and in control.

It honestly doesn't really matter to him. Just like the three other versions of himself he has his preferences. The most of the time doesn't give a fuck.

It really depends on the type of mood he's in. If he's in more of a chill mood he'll let you top. But if he's got more energy he'll top.

This man may appear innocent but he is the farthest thing from it. He will top you no questions asked. Especially if you disobey him.

He's a lot like Brian he prefers being on top and showing you that. But if he's really in the mood he doesn't mind you topping him.

Have you seen this man. He tries to be dominant but ends up failing ultimately. And he prefers it that way anyways. He wants you to feel comfortable and he feels more at ease knowing you're in control.

With Alex it's more difficult to tell. Some days he can be a bratty little bottom. And others downright rough and show no mercy. Either way he doesn't mind you topping him.

This man's may act like a gentleman all he want outside the bedroom. But inside he is nothing but. he is rough and he is not afraid to put you in your place. With that being said he's not always like that and doesn't mind taking things gentle and slow.

He literally does not care. As long as you were comfortable with everything that's going on and he has your consent.He's not very rough with you as he doesn't want to hurt you.So it might take a bit of coaxing for him to do anything out of the ordinary. But with time he'll get used to it.

He's either a fucking bottom or a top. There is no in between it's either one or the other. And it all depends on his mood.

Control freak He prefers being on top. But he's usually a bottom...He'll never say it to your face but he likes being topped.

Dominatrix That's literally it No one can convince me otherwise. She will own you. But she won't be harsh about it she's very sweet.She will check to make sure that you're okay with everything constantly asking if you need anything. Or if you want to continue. And if you say no she'll stop right then and there with no questions asked.

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