Fallen Angel

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Fallen Angel

She sits on her bed,

Knees against her chest,

Looking at the scars on her arm,

The memories that aren't laid to rest.

Bringing the razor to her arm,

Tears running down her face,

She swipes of blood following after the cut,

Happiness, not a trace.

Ashamed of her past,

The guilt she carries around,

The fear she has of herself,

Keeping her bound.

Blood oozing down her hand,

That drains from her wrist,

She wonders what she's doing,

How everything got to this.

They were happy for a while,

The perfect, adored pair,

He would never hurt her,

Those were his words she swears.

Everything was perfect,

How he would hold her right,

But then his temper snapped.

Then it started, all these fights.

Your broken fallen angel

trapped in your care,

Crying inside,

in her own dispair.

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