Oblivion is Destiny

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Oblivion is Destiny

You look but cannot see me,

You listen but cannot hear,

You reach but cannot touch me,

You wish but I cannot appear.

I dream but cannot love you,

I desire but cannot hold,

I pray but cannot feel you,

I weep but you cannot console.

We love yet cannot kiss,

We desire yet cannot thrill,

We long for eternal bliss,

We dream ... yet we cannot fulfill.

We are ... yet we are not,

We are one - though still as two,

We are the loves that we forgot,

You are me... and I am you.

We provide our souls with comfort,

We cherish the words from each,

We desire and also covet,

We love amidst our speech.

We are alive... yet still oblivion,

We are lost but searching still,

We are fabrics never woven,

We are the one; that within can thrill.

Destiny assures that love will come our way,

Destiny will grant us our lips to gently meet,

Destiny will give us that gentle light of day,

For you and I are destiny and our destiny's complete.

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