Power Of Cruelty

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Power Of Cruelty

Seeking power for desaster,

Makes me crying even faster.

All of us just need destruction,

Kills my whole world with corruption;

To let my feelings be so strutted.

I wish for such a new beginning

And let my feelings just to sing it,

Forever I'll be filled with fear,

With such a strong desire near;

That no one else could ever bear.

Truely there has never been,

On my conclusions creeply thin,

The only kind of love for me,

Just walking slowly in my dreams;

How cruel my own desire seems.

So piercing torments through my heart,

For all the times I felt apart,

I crush my lonely, blinded soul,

With concious feeling wielding low;

Just makes me keeping thinking so!

At last I blast infront your lines,

To keep an eye on murdered times.

I will and that's at least to wish,

Keep striking back on your own twists;

To fill your gap on my black-list.

Agony InsideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ