Kiss of Death

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Kiss of Death

It stopped my heart

I was losing my breath

Little did I know

It was the kiss of death

You tricked me into it

When it was least expected

My body turned cold

Your poison had been injected

Your lips left mine

From the tragic kiss goodbye

My eyes started to close

It was leading to my demise

I became your prey

Falling into your trap

I thought you were the treasure

To my secret hidden map

Your hand left mine

I lost your deadly touch

Who ever would've guessed

Passion can hurt this much?

Your fingers ran down my face

Blue-tinted like ice

It was as if you played me

Like a game with hidden dice

You whispered "I adore you"

One last time into my ear

It made my heart stop

It was all I wanted to hear

Then my heart froze

My blood as cold as your heart

"I adore you too" I whispered

I hae from the start

You'll always be with me

Though you lied under your breath

You told me you need me

After you gave me the Kiss of Death

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