Inner Hidden Wars

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Inner Hidden Wars

The flow of the words

Of the heart and soul,

Of this crazy young woman,

You say you know,

It's a strange rhyme,

Never made in time.

Fondest words of love

Have gone down the drain

And she often wonders

If she's insane.

She often questions her life,

Wonders if it's a lie.

Step into my mind,

See from my eyes.

Look long and hard

At the woman that I despise.

In the dark of the night I rise

With a demonic Succubus disguise.

Step into my mind,

See from my eyes.

Look at the woman I despise,

It's me.

You talk like you know her,

What a shame.

But for the confusion

She's to blame.

And if you knew her heart

We'd be far apart.

I can see me

For what I am,

Please don't be hurt,

Please understand.

Wish I could show you the scars

Of my inner hidden wars.

And if you could only see

The inner me

Woud you still be there

By my side, with me?

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