Lesson 6 - Caring

Start from the beginning

I let go of Cixous and start to walk in front of them. They watch me, slightly confused.

"Well? Aren't we going to the cafeteria? Don't tell me you're slow pokes." I grin at them. Foire puffs out her cheeks and stomps over to me with a big smile. "I'll show you slow!" Lumiere rushes over—dragging a still processing Cixous—"W-Wait! Foireeee!!" Lumiere shouts as me and Foire take off running.


I stare at Foire as she pants like a dog, hands on her knees and all. I laugh at her making her also laugh.

I wipe imaginary sweat from my forehead and take Foire's hand. "Let's gooo! Food timmeee!!" I cheer. "Food timeee!!" She also cheers.

All focus is directed at us now.

Everyone starts to get up again like last time. "WAIT!!" I shout making them all freeze, a bit scared and a bit surprised. I gulp, a bit nervous.

"T-There is no need to do that just for me... okay? It makes me feel different. I just want to eat with everyone. Okay?" I tilt my head a bit at my last word. Everyone stares at me, confused and in thought.

I hear a familiar clap. "You heard the Lady! Continue eating as if it is just a normal day, woof!" I smile as Pestonya makes herself known.

I wave bye at Foire and she gives me a tired one back.

I happily jog up to Pestonya and give her a hug. She freezes for a moment before giving me one back. "What can I do for you Lady (Y/n)? Woof."

"Just some food, also, do you know where the Pleiades are?" I ask as she and I walk off to grab some food.

She hums before shaking her head. "I'm afraid I do not know where they are at this moment. They might show up later though, they tend to eat around this time. Er, woof."

I hum. "What if I pull a prank on them? You think they can handle it?" I look up at her as she places food on a tray. She stops and looks down at me. I tilt my head innocently. "If you wish to pull a prank on them then go ahead, however, don't forget to apologize after, woof."
I nod.

"Okay, have any ideas on what I should do?" She shakes her head. "I'm afraid not."

She hands me the tray filled with food and smiles at me. "I hope you have a good day, Lady (Y/n). Er, woof." I giggle and smile back at her. "You too, Pestonya." I wave bye and go to sit at a table.

I choose the one that is empty. 'I'm guessing this is where the Pleiades usually sit...'

As if on cue, I hear familiar talking and laughter. I start to panic. 'SHIT!! I don't know what to pull for a prank!! Crap crap crap crap crap!!'

It suddenly hits me. I look at my coat and gloves and slowly take off my gloves.

My hands have large scars over them and would most likely shock anybody if they saw them up close.

I start to eat my food by taking a bite out of a french fry.

"Lady (Y/n)?!" I hear a voice shout. I turn around and see Lupusregina. I grin cheekily at her and nod. "Hi!" She smiles and goes to give me a hug but is held back—literally—by Yuri.

CZ, Solution, and Entoma approach me. They stand in front of me and bow. Yuri goes to scold the entire room before I stop her. "Yuri!" She freezes and looks at me.

I sigh, making her panic. "I asked everyone to treat me like everybody else. I didn't want them frozen to a wall while I ate. I very much dislike that. So get up you three!" I grumble at CZ, Solution, and Entoma. "Yes, Lady (Y/n)." They all say in unison.

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