Wilbur - her PART THREE

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~ Year From Part Two(Will and Y/n are dating) ~

Will <3 is calling...

Decline     Accept

I press accept I press accept and take a deep breath in, hoping I hadn't done something wrong.

"Y/n. Where are you?" He sounded angry, like a medium angry, though. The one where he wouldn't do anything, but there was no wiggle room.

"Uhm... at the house?" I hear a sigh from the other end of the line.


"But where are you-"

"Will, the stream is wondering why you are off," I hear that soft voice say in the background.

Once again, he was hanging out with her. Although we are now together, I still feel like he prefers her.

"Hey- I really gotta go- see you at home?"

"I- yeah, sure. I'll-" I click the red button and set down my phone on the table. I debate going to stay with a friend. My boyfriend has been distant. I mean, so have I. I now talk with Tommy more often. Partially out of spite, partially because he can actually be fun to talk to, sometimes. I

I call Tommy, and I hear somebody say quickly, "I am streaming, woman."

"Alright, man." I can hear a small smile from him in his second of silence. I stare out my window and decide on something in the heat of the moment. "When you visit Will, you better visit me, or I will come see you myself."

He does his signature laugh. "What would I get by seeing you?"

"Well, I won't tell you to empty the dishwasher."

"Yeah- oh fuck mum wants me to do that right now." I smile and look away from my snowy window. It is so nice here, compared to California. It's only golden and warm there because of the fires. "BUBASVABA!"

I nearly scream from the guy's scream. The hell was that? "What- ha- what are you- what are you playing Tom?"

"I- The Five Nights-"

"Well that explains that." I look back out the window with my elbow resting on the window sill, my chin resting on my knuckles. I see Will get out of her car, and see her hug him. He hugs back, of course. Of course he hugs the pretty- what am I even saying, they are just friends. I hope. I look on my phone, and go quiet for a moment. "Hey, I'm gonna talk... later..."


I hang up, and stare at my camera before going back to watching the video on my device again.

He- he kissed- no, no, no, no, he didn't, I know he wouldn't... I see the clip everywhere.


"Oh! H-hey lo-ove." My voice is saddened in the word love. He sits next to me and kisses the top of my head. I smile a small bit, but then wonder if he is faking.

"Are you alright?" His tone is soft and my heart cries for how caring it sounds.

"Of course." I try smiling to prove it.


~ Time Skip to Night ~ 

Wilbur goes to bed, and I am left alone, staring out of the glass at the snowy scenery. The white grounds, trees, and roofs. Frost on every shingle that hadn't been completely snowed on, and likely on the plants alive at this point. To set the mood, a light grey fog had also swallowed the sky and tinted the near. It was heavier from afar.

I debate going to Cassy's house(Cassy is your friend), and decide I will, if she is awake. I text her a small can I come over and wait for a response. 

After a few minutes, there is a sure on my notifications. I look at my lock screen. It is me and Will eating ice cream at a park for the background. 

I go out in my "Shut up, just shut up" sweatshirt. I was underprepared to say the least. The spiky taste of cold made me wish I stayed in, huddled against my love, all cozy and warm. I start heading towards the house.

Once at the blue grey home, I knock, as it is locked. The home opens and warm air rushes towards my red face.

"Come in!"

I smile slightly at my friend and go into the home. As I shed my sweatshirt, I hear her say, "Oh my God. Your hair- it is so pretty with the snow and your eyes! It just all looks so beautiful! Like you are some icy princess! I need a picture, like, right now."

I roll my eyes and stand normally as she takes the photos. I have to admit, they were cool. Never thought I would see such a nice picture. Enough with my great jokes, the pictures did look absolutely enchanting.

"So. Why did you want to come here? It is odd at this hour."

"It's nothing," I say, partially muffled by my face covered in a huge blanket(I think it was a comforter, and it did that very well).

"You sure?"

"Just Will and.. her.." Cas quiets after I mumble that and seems to think. She realizes what happened. 

"Oh my f- he kissed her didn't he. That mother- are you alright?" I go to her and put my eyes on her shoulder as small drops fall from them. My e/c eyes were now small lakes in my face. I am sure if an author were to describe them, shimmering lakes of tears would be the words.

"I don't thi- I don't...." I can't even talk. My silent cries block it, my throat closing when I try to make noise. Her shoulder feels damp, and we stay there until I stop crying. 

"Cas... I don't think that him and I were ever meant to be."

"I know. I know."

About 940 words; i am unable to make this story happy it has to be relationship problems... maybe i'll update for another part within this week. maybe not, we'll see

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