Ghostbur - Who are you?

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Request for @myheroacademiatrash1  .  Also, the song linked at the top is an hour version of heatwaves that I felt was good for this story, and it was lovely to listen to while writing. Now, enjoy! 

"Kill me. Please. Let me have my glamourous death rather than death in the swamps." And with that, my best friend, Tom, shot an arrow through my eye. The pain faded as quickly as it came, and I barely felt him holding my head. I'm coming, Ghostie.

Sun rays made my e/c eyes glimmer and beautify while the leaf shadows gave lovely cold shade. I got up and wiped at my arms and legs of the dirt. My vision flickered from the pigs, sheep, and cows. I went toward them and realized I awoke without anything. Patting my outfit down, there was only fabric and no more axe. I hope I find my hoe back, it were netherite, after all.

"Hello?" A soft voice rang out and I recognized it, but only a half. Something in my memory of the yellow sweatered man was just... missing. I heard a gasp of excitement from the guy as he glided towards me. He was even transparent. Was he a ghost, I wondered as he starts talking again. "Y/n! How did you- who- what?" His voice had a mini crack, I noted.

"Am I.. dead?" My voice uncertain and smaller than I expected.

"Yes, how? Who killed you?" I racked my memories. It was more difficult with so many more gaps.

"Um... Tommy did.. Who are you?"

His whole face dropped as I said the final three words. "Why don't you remember me.?"

I walked to the man and put my hand on his face. It fell through soon after, and it were cold in the air he was in. 

"I'm Ghostbur! Ghostie! How can't you re- we were best friends," his voice had a slight tremble.

"Really?" I had a slight stutter, but I normally would in this kind of situation. "Then why can't I remember?" 

"I don't.." his voice trailed off and he looked like he was going to have a stray tear soon. 

"B-but we can still be best friends! We just need to work together to help me remember." My voice seemed so confident and motivating, although I knew it may just be hopeless. I couldn't remember my favourite song for heaven's sakes.

"Well... I can try to remind you of our memories!" He seemed quite excited. However, his eyes seemed still desperate for a link. "Do you remember the night where I brought you to the top of a tree after you realized I wasn't dead, well, completely?"

I tried to imagine it, but it was unsuccessful. I shook my head. "Or when I played you your favourite song, Heat Waves? The lights and-"

A memory was unlocked. "Yes! Kind of, anyways. The lanterns and-"

"Yeah, you remember?" I nod as I recall the moment.

Note blocks were across the spruce wood and he started playing a song I loved. He played the instruments and did the singing. There was rain, but I made him wear my hoodie in hopes he doesn't dissipate. "One more, and then I say goodbye~" The lanterns caused light fog and warm glows, the rain cool but not freezing. That night ended where I was leaned against the note blocks and he was next to me, somehow not falling through. 

"Alright, that's good. What about when you were practicing archery and the arrow passed through me?" Once again I nod with the imagery coming.

I glanced around the forest. I was getting rusty on bow work, so I needed to practice. Shouldn't just use axes all the time, anyways. They were fun to throw, but only the stone and wood ones were light enough; the other types just go plop, sometimes even in my foot. I wished Alivebur could be around right now, but I pushed the desire away. I needn't his warmth or words, not in this world of tyranny, pain, and death. I pulled my bow back and shot a rabbit's ear. I quickly reloaded and shot it again, killing it. I saw a sheep staring at me and I pulled my bow back. The arrow whizzed through the air, and through my friend. Whoops. "These late nights in the middle of June really get you, huh?" His smile lit up the environment as I picked up the carcass of the previously moving animal. "Yeah, I guess."

I grinned and hoped that I could remember more later, but for now I wanted my hoe back.

"Race you to the nether?"

"Okay. 3, 2," he starts running.

I knew in the nether heat waves would just fake me out, but I couldn't die now.

740 words - This was actually really fun to write, since I could just make up settings and moments. Thank you for the request, and have a lovely day/night, everyone.

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