Tubbo - Not Afraid

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"Yeah- bees- what if they sting me? I hate them!" I said, answering a donation that had popped up. What is your biggest fear - $20. "Anyways, let's talk with..." I checked to see who was on the chats. Tubbo was in one alone. "Heyyyy."

"OH! Hi, y/n!" His tone was so sweet and friendly today. 

"Tubbo! I need you to help me," Tommy's voice rang out. I never got to talk to Tubbo anymore. 

"Uh- I guess we can talk.. later.. tubbs..." My voice drifted off and felt dead. I exited out of the call. "Damn Tommy always... Oh right Stream right forgotten sorry." My facial features fell and I started doing some parkour for the content. I didn't talk for the rest of the stream, nor smiled. "Bye, guys..."

A few hours later I was about to sleep, but I heard a soft buzz come from my phone. "Ah- hello?" My voice switched accents again, and sounded kind of Indian. 


"H-hey man, why-" I yawned mid sentence, "why you calling?"

"Well... we never get to talk anymore and I thought it would be fun!"

We continued to talk for an hour or.. maybe four or five. We said our goodbyes, and I fell asleep.

~ Time Skip Brought By TOOM ~

(By the way, Tubbo is visiting you)

The bee crawled over his thumb. "It's so cute," I mumble, nearly muted by the shoulder I was leaning on. The bee flew up onto my hand and I almost freaked for a second, but managed to keep my cool. It layed on my palm, resting. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. Just slightly nervous of it." 

A hand came closer to mine, and the bee crawled onto it, before flying away. I buried my head deeper into my friend's shoulder. The wind brushed over my cheeks, and a hand brushed over my arm. I felt a heat cover my right hand, and the cool was no longer blanketing the blush on my face. I  felt the heat leaving, but I stole it back. "I'm not afraid anymore... Not afraid of the buzzzz" I ended with a continuous buzzing.

"Well.. I'm glad I helped you."

355 Words.. Just a soft fluffy scenario, just barely based on how I got over a fear just by a person I knew(it was actually bees and Tubbo but I don't know him IRL... Just had to make it barely more.. intimate? No, whatever you call it).

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