GeorgeNotFound - Nights

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Warning: Mention of death

The leaves crunch and branches snap beneath my feet as the quiet forest awaits.

I was going to my favourite spot to meet my friend, George. We met every Saturday since we were sixteen. Today I was a tad late, but it shouldn't matter too much. I brush my hands against the trees. The sun rays made the nearby river glisten and shine. It wasn't fish season yet.

My pace quickens as I grow nearer to our hideout. We were in our twenties but still like kids. I recognize the old warped planks and think of the times we spent. Teasing him for his baby face at 23, poking him until he screams at me to stop at 22, drinking a shot of whiskey at 21 and he had to have a paper bag.

My favourite memory was at 20. The night was peaceful, a few cricket and frog sounds but that's all. The stars were beautiful, especially through his eyes. I stared into his eyes for a galaxy I could only dream of seeing for the rest of my life.

Flashback Starts:
He stared up at the stars. The reflection in his eyes made me watch the movement. Up, right, down, up. "Y/n?" I get out of my trance.


"You just were zoned out- like really zoned," the voice said.

"It was probably nothing." It looked like he knew it wasn't. His eyes locked onto mine and he seemed to grow closer, and at some point the lips touched. My first kiss.

Flashback Ends.

I step out of my memory and the cold wind embraces me again. Not thinking, I walk into the small hut without opening the door. After turning the handle and pushing, the correct way, I go inside. The wind can't get me here.


I close the door behind me. I see a figure on the couch and walk over to it. It disappears and I stare hard at the beige couch, trying to will it back. I walk on the two sleeping bags and get to a board. 

Newspaper clippings are pinned across it, red ties connecting them. Pictures, notes, and newspaper are covering the board, not a single piece of it showing.

"Local man found dead in forest- Careful Campers!"

"Large bear on loose- One dead!"

Pictures of George are on the clippings. I feel my vision grow blurrier and I squint a little, trying to hold back all tears trying to fall.

The dates of the newspapers were last Sunday. The day I left early. It must be my fault, why else would he had... The world seems to spin  as the thoughts capture me in their deadly grasp. It has to be my fault, why did I let it happen. I've obsessed over it for weeks. 

I climb into the blue sleeping bag and hold the pillow tightly. His pillow tightly. Tomorrow will be a new day.


I close the door behind me and see a figure laying across the couch. I walk over to him, a small smile on my head. "Hey, Silly."

His head turns up to me standing above him. "Hi Y/n." He sits up and I sit behind him. He lays back down onto me. "How are you today?"

"Goodish. Was really excited to see you, though." 

We both give a small laugh and I hear him start to speak again, "I've been thinking for a while.."


His silence hangs for a few seconds. "The future. Me, you. Just stuff."

I smile a little. "I can give an idea. As your girlfriend, I should help if it's about us. 'les you don't want to be with me?"

"No, I like being with you!"

"Perfect. Close your eyes." His eyes flutter for a second before shutting. I step away and smile, pulling the string of a contraption I made on Sunday. "And.. open." His eyes open to see a small ring hanging by a piece of rope in front of him. "George.. I've been thinking about the future, too. Will you marry me?" Unfortunately my voice cracked at me and we both stare at each other before dying of laughter. 

"S- sure.!" He tries to say between laughs.

The next day we walk through the forest, the leaves crunch and branches snap beneath our feet as our future awaits us.

706 words! Was thinking of making a super sad story, then felt bad. Hope you enjoyed!

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