Technoblade - Together?

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"Hello and welcome back to another.." I hear my boyfriend continue to make his video.

That was all he did. Make videos.

I get it. He finally has stories to tell. But why can't they be with me, I think. No. He still loves me. I know it. He is just busy. 

I head into my room that I claimed after our first fight. We have been broken since then. There is.. something between us. I lean against the door and slide down. He wouldn't care. You could leave and he wouldn't notice. You could- 

Fudge off. I'm done.    I pack clothes for a day or two. I will go to my friends place. She can help me. I wipe a tear from my eye that had appeared and open the door. I contemplate my decision. It's just a couple of days. It'll be fine. He'll be fine.

I text my friend:

I'm coming over. I need a break.

I don't wait for a reply. I start the car and drive over. I open her door and lay on the couch. 

"What's the prob, bob?" She questions.

I shake my head and look to the side, allowing liquid to pour from my eyes. "Get some rest, we can talk later. Smiley." She says, carefully choosing her words. 

The drought is back. All the love seems drowned. 

Should I text him. No. He doesn't-I don't...

I cover my face, my hand growing damp. I don't care. He wouldn't care, would he.

I fall into an endless abyss. And wake in the same void. "He doesn't care," a voice says from afar. "He never did," another one says, closer. "Break up. He won't even try to resist." I scream as loud as possible to block them out, but they just grow louder. "Shut the fuck up. I am done with this. I can just ask him."

I wake in a cold sweat and grab my f/c phone case, with the phone inside of course. I put it in my pocket and run. I run far. I run towards home. I fling the door open, but make sure it doesn't slam the wall. I see somebody on the couch staring at the wall. Blank staring. "Y/n... where did you go?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," he starts, calm sounding. 

"No, it doesn't," I growl. I catch myself. I shouldn't be angry. What if it is the end?

"Look, I know we haven't been close-"

"You have barely said a word to me this past week. Nobody knows I exist," I say, trying to keep my cool.

"And how would that make a difference?" 

"I can't be the only one in this relationship, Tech. Either you have your great upload schedule, or you have your girlfriend. Which will it be?"

"Obviously my girlfriend-"

"Prove it."

He stops, and takes his eyes off of me.

"I could-"

"I gave you every star in the sky. I have taken my heart out of my chest to give it to you, and now it is on the table, bleeding out."

I walk out the front door, once again. My head down, I walk down the sidewalk. I can't let him see my tears, my crying.

I hear thumping from behind me, and it moves in front of me. Arms wrap around me. I grab onto their waist and keep my face buried on their chest.

"It's fine. We will be fine. Everything is going to be fine," the voice mumbles, soothingly.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shush. I should be sorry. I- I hadn't been the best boyfriend. "

I rest in his heat. "It's okay."

"It isn't. You, of all people, should know that."

"Let's go."


We stand like that for awhile.

"I will make you know.. Just wait."

"I love you."

604 words - hope you liked this little angst.. (there was a real stupid self promo here but i thought it were too cringy lol). Love ya'll, stay safe my biscuits... Bye!

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