Character Q/A: answers

Start from the beginning

Exactly what my dad did, right? Hahahahahaha.

This hurts just a little."

12- Why do you think you have such a strong, brotherly bond with Leo?

Aaron: "Um I think it's because I didn't judge him for the way he acted at first. He warmed up to me too because I was good to him. And besides the fact that we both had horrible fathers so I guess in some way we understand each other."

13- Are you going to marry Erika?

Aaron: "Question caught me off guard haha! Uh... I mean yeah I'd love to when we grow up a little more."

14- What's your relationship like with your mom and step dad?

Aaron: "Good! I'm just a little distant I guess with my step dad? Only because I'm not really fond anymore of any kind of 'father' in my life."

15- I know it's hard to live after being abused and I know Aron's a fictional character but what drove him to live? Like besides Erika and Leo what made him really want to live?

Aaron: "I'm right here you can talk straight to me! Anyway good question. Erika obviously makes things a lot better for me, but she wasn't the only reason I wanted to live. I had my own dreams. I had my own plans that I wanted to achieve away from dad. I guess it was that hope that someday I'll grow up and live alone and do everything freely that kept me hanging on."

16- What you wanna do in the near future? / How do you feel about your future, realistically speaking, like jobs and whatnot?

Aaron: "College is starting soon and I've applied for mechanical engineering. My dream is to build a space rocket. I'm really into astronomy. But yeah that's the main thing for the future. Other than that, y'know, just live good with Leo and my mom and step-dad. I just want a peaceful life."

17- Although still an equally bad situation, if the captors had taken you, but allowed you to live as a normal teenager free from the abuse of your father and treated you well, would you have preferred that as a life and want to stay or a life with your father and try to escape them?

Aaron: "I'd definitely escape as well. I mean, it's still kidnapping that way except without the baby crap. Nah, I wouldn't want that either. I don't like a pointless life, just constantly cared for and loved. Honestly, I'd rather be abused and have my freedom(at least somewhat freedom with my dad) than that."

18- Aaron what do u think about me staying up late just bc of u guys? Like now for instance?

Aaron: "I'm flattered you're staying up for us!"

19- DO YOU LIKE CAKE BALLS / Do you like chicken wings??

Aaron: "I like almost everything edible, so yes!"

20- Did you ever like want to listen to music at the time you were kidnapped? If I were you I would have been DED.

Aaron: "I don't think music ever crossed my mind at all with all the shit that was going on."

21- Whats your last name?

Aaron: "Williams." 

22- What happened with you and your mom that your had to be shipped off to live with your dad? How bad could it be that she didn't even check up on you which in the end would've prevented you from being abused to such an extent? Do you feel any resentment towards her?

Aaron: "Good question! Prequel explains it more. Our relationship wasn't the best at first. Kinda resentment on my part, a bit of awkwardness. It was horrible but it got better. Sometimes, the things that you go through make you change your perspective. That's kinda what happened. We worked it out between us."

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