God, he's beautiful.

He grips onto my shoulder, turning me around in a gentle manner which makes me suck in a sharp breath as I feel intimidated in knowing that he's behind me. I'm further intimidated as I feel him slide the button into my back pocket, his fingers skimming the fabric with a calm demeanor.

I feel frozen in my place as his breaths fans my neck gently and he places his hands on my waist. How is it possible for him to make my heart race in such a frantic manner? More importantly, what the hell is he doing?

My silent questions are quickly answered as he pushes my waist in order to make me turn around and face him once more. My face must be sheet white as I look to him like a deer caught in headlights due to his touch that meant so little but felt like so much.

"Because I know you won't press the button if they start touching you more than necessary," Lieutenant Hemmings says, looking into my eyes once again. "The second they try to touch you as they please and grab any part of you, their hand will most likely come in contact with the button. Also, this will prevent you from having to take it out of your pocket if you need help right away. All you'll have to do is tap it against something behind you. If you're trapped and they're holding back your arms, just push your body against anything."

I nod my head in understanding to show I followed everything he had just said. I don't intend on using it considering the second I do, I show weakness and that I can't handle a situation. If I were to get screwed in a situation, I have full intentions of figuring it out on my own.

"If anything in the slightest goes wrong, you press the button. Got it, Lila?" Lieutenant Hemmings asks with all seriousness in his voice.

I nod my head once again.

"Let me hear you say it out loud," Lieutenant Hemmings says, as if not believing me.

"Yes sir," I say to him, my tone firm. "I'll press the button if anything goes wrong."

"Good," Lieutenant Hemmings says, eyeing me over one last time. "Now let's go, we don't have time to waste."

He turns around and immediately makes his way towards the door so I follow him. My heart races in anticipation as I know today's going to be a big day. Not only that, but it could either make or break me entirely.

Due to this, I hurry to keep up with him Lieutenant Hemmings as I don't want to start off on the wrong foot. I need to be on my A-game and keep up with him all day or he's going to regret his choice to bring me.

I hear Major Hood and Ashton's booming voices outside making me look over to see them working at the pole. I cringe at my own memory of climbing the pole just this morning that was obviously unsuccessful. As always, there wasn't much progress and it consisted of Lieutenant Hemmings getting frustrated and yelling at me. 

I bit my tongue, for the most part, not having the energy to fight back as I just focused on trying to get a little bit higher than the day before. 

As Lieutenant Hemmings pushes open the door and allows me to step out before him, I notice just how nice it is outside. Considering I'm not at the pole with everyone, I feel as almost if I get my first day off. However, I'll be training tonight so I don't dwell on the thought for too long.

I feel a proud smile cross my lips as I watch all the other guys miserably train as Lieutenant Hemmings and I are going on a mission. This makes me already feel more important than any of them. 

As soon as we walk towards the group of men training, it isn't long before I hear low whistles and guys eyeing me blatantly. My stomach sinks as I recall the last time I had to experience something like this.

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