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To say today was successful would be an understatement.

Not only did Damien view us as a complete joke, he didn't even stay the full time he was scheduled to because he thought it was that much of a disaster.

I could tell Lieutenant Hemmings was beyond pleased and I couldn't help but be insanely proud of myself for coming up with the idea in the first place. That had to have won him over in the slightest, right?

Maybe it would've but then again, when I got to the pole, I could barely pull myself up four feet before my arms got shaky and I fell limp. Lieutenant Hemmings had of course yelled at me, but I couldn't help but notice the amused tone to his words. I don't see how he could be that mad if me messing up did nothing but help him.

He still had yet to tell anyone of the plan and it left everyone confused as ever. Obviously Lieutenant Hemmings didn't bellow at everyone like he normally does and instead was beyond himself happy once Damien left which left everyone completely lost.

Everyone eventually packed themselves into the dining hall after a discouraging day, discussing amongst themselves how terrified of Lieutenant Hemmings potentially blowing up they are. They think they're screwed and are going to be punished big time, but they really have no idea that they did exactly what Lieutenant Hemmings wanted them to do.

Even Michael was quizzing me with one hundred million questions, wondering why I'm not freaking out. I tried to just dismiss it, but even I couldn't hide my own happiness.

I finally did something right and Lieutenant Hemmings can't even deny the sliver of respect I had earned after today.

"Come on, I know you didn't climb that pole to the top," Michael says to me, continuing to push the subject. "Why aren't you freaking out?"

I shrug, walking into the doors of the dining hall and say, "He'll get over it."

Michael scoffs, raising his eyebrows at me, "Lieutenant Hemmings hates the living hell out of you. What makes you think he's going to get over this?"

I shrug once again, walking up with Michael towards the food knowing it'll only please Lieutenant Hemmings more if I eat my meal. If he sees me eating and knows how good of a day I had, maybe he'll leave me alone for a bit.

"Christ, I'm not even going to be able to eat I'm so nervous," Michael says as we approach the food and he places his hand to his stomach. I ignore him and put small amounts of food on my tray and abide my Lieutenant Hemmings' rules for me to eat. "Actually, maybe a little something something won't hurt."

I laugh and nudge Michael before saying, "Michael, you're going to be fine, stop worrying."

"You need to worry more! You're the most screwed of us all. He hates you with everything in him, Lila."

I resist the urge to laugh at this considering I can't let my act fail me. I don't even know if Lieutenant Hemmings' plans to tell them the truth.


Looking over my shoulder, I see Ashton making his way towards me with a concerned expression on his face. I shoot him a small smile, not knowing what to anticipate of this conversation.

"Are you alright?" He asks, instantly eyeing me seemingly to check for any damage.

"I'm fine," I say with a shrug, as I start walking towards a table for Michael and I to sit. I'm probably acting too normal and should at least try and pretend like I'm scared for what's to come. However, I know that things are going to be completely fine.

Nonetheless, Ashton is quick to stop me as he grabs my arm and asks, "What happened?"

"He told us to climb the pole and I did poorly," I say simply, not speaking of his reaction considering I'm still unsure if I can say if it was positive or not.

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