chapter twelve

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I wake up in the hotel the next morning. Feeling a bit uneasy since we had stayed up late last night, hanging at the diner, drinking and having a good time. It was about damn time we relaxed and tried having a normal life. I might've drank a bit more than I should've. The night was a blur, all I really could remember was Sam holding back my hair when I was throwing up in the middle of the night. I sat up in bed, seeing Sam beside me. He was on top of the covers, his hair sticking to his forehead. He looked uncomfortable and I felt bad that he was up with me. He was such a great guy, no one I had ever known would've done that for me. Dean was still asleep in the bed next to mine, Sam was looking peaceful so I didn't bother waking him up yet.

Their plan was to get arrested and help a hunter friend of there's that works at the local prison to hunt a spirit that was killing the inmates. It all seemed crazy to me. How were they gonna get out? They said the person on the inside was going to get them out after they killed the spirit but I had a feeling it would be a lot more messier and of course I didn't want to see them get hurt. I got out of bed, feeling my head reeling, spinning practically. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, seeing the eye bags and the streaks of makeup down my face. I had prayed to god that I didn't make a fool out of myself the night before, but I guess we'll never know. I splash water on my face to wake me up, before turning to the shower. I turn it on the hottest setting that it would go and hop in after stripping off my dirty clothes.

I let the hot water hit my body and rush over my face as I placed my hands over it, washing the makeup off. I hear footsteps into the bathroom but choose to ignore them, knowing it was probably Dean or Sam choosing to use the restroom without knocking. I feel the curtain open slightly and see Sam poking his head in. I turn around and feel my body get warm.

"Hiya Sammy."

He peeks in more, at this point I could see his clothes were off.

"Morning Sunshine."

He places his feet into the shower, soon his entire body was in the shower with me and was standing behind me. I faced his way, not looking or acting any different. This was the first time Sam had been like this with me. I was nervous and I could feel he was too. But he walks closer to me and puts his hands on my face, pulling my face in to kiss me. He begins smooth and slow like he always had been but as time began to go by, he got faster and more rough. I felt one of his hands go to my neck, squeezing a bit to make me gasp but not enough to make me stop breathing normally. He walks into me, forcing me up against the shower wall and I feel him begin to lift me up slightly. His hands go all over my body, but he stops over the top of my breasts.

"Is this okay?"

"This is more than okay." I was quivering, I couldn't contain myself.

He begins to cup my breasts as he continues to miss me. He keeps on doing what he's doing as he moves to my lower body. I feel his fingers over me, and the hot water pouring over our bodies made this even more hot and heavy. Sam could tell he was making me hot and bothered, and he loved seeing it. I felt his fingers for a few moments until we heard stirring outside the bathroom door. He quickly moved his hand to my mouth to keep me from making any noise.

"Sam?" I heard Dean's groggy voice on the other side of the door.

His hazel eyes come to me, looking over my body once again before turning the shower knob off and exiting the shower. He motioned for me to stay in here.


"You hungry? I'm gonna go get some food before we head out."

"Yeah, get me whatever. Don't forget to get Angie something."

"I'll be back."

I get out of the shower to see Sam wrapped in a towel. I grab the other one and wrap it around myself. Sam quickly goes to get his clothes on so Dean wouldn't think anything when he got back. I brush my wet hair and look at myself in the mirror, my entire face was red and Sam had left marks on my neck. He hadn't spoken barely any words to me since the night before, which in fact I still couldn't remember.

Sam returns to the doorway of the bathroom with clothes on. He looks to me and sees my neck.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. I'm fine."

"I'm- I'm sorry about that. I just thought-"

"Sam, you're freaking out. I'm fine. We're both adults here."

"I just don't want screw things up with you. You're different, like a good different. I haven't been able to find someone like you since my last girlfriend passed away."

"All I ask is that you don't cheat on me, okay? And what happened with her if you don't mind me asking?"

"I won't cheat on you. She got killed by a demon, dragged up on to the ceiling and set on fire."

"I'm so sorry, Sam. How long ago was this?"

"A little over a year ago. That's when me and Dean started hunting. Shortly after, my dad died."

"You need a break. One day, me and you should just run away together. Get away from all this."

"You're right but once you're in, it's really difficult to get back out."

"Yeah, maybe one day though. We can dream."

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay with all this. If you don't want to get attached, that's fine."

"I don't want to rush this, Sammy. But you're the first man I've ever like been with and felt this way. It's been a long time since I've been touched and it's gonna take me a while to get used to all this but I'm completely fine with it and you don't have to apologize. I'm happy you came into my life and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sam comes over to me and kisses my forehead lightly and backs out to see the huge smile on my face.

"I'm so glad I found you too. We needed each other, we came into each other's lives at the right time and we will make it through. One step at a time."

"Once we catch a break, we need to sit down and talk about our lives before. I want to know everything and I want you to know everything about me. Most important thing is trust and honesty."

"I completely agree. Once Dean and I get back from this case, we should have time."

"Do we put a label on this? I hate asking but I just want to know."

"I'll be your girlfriend if that's what you want to ask."

"What about Dean?"

"Dean told me the other night he was okay with it. He walked into the living room at Bobbys and saw us sleeping on the couch and started making small talk. He probably is just worried about us getting into bad situations and not thinking straight, which I understand. We can't let that happen."

"That's a relief to hear. But I agree with that too. So, you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes I do."


I grab my clothes and quickly get dressed as I hear Dean opening the door with takeout. He had already had his burger unwrapped, like he normally did. He really loved his food. He tossed a sandwich at Sam and grabbed a bag that was already packed.

"You ready to hit the road?" He says with his mouth full.

"Yeah, give me a few minutes. I'll meet you out there."

I sit on the edge of the bed, smiling over at Sam as he packed his bag. Dean had left the food on the table and exited the room, back out to the impala. I grab the bag and see a burger in the bottom of the bag with a box of fries. Just what I liked. I assumed they would be gone for at-least a few days so Dean went out and got me groceries while I waited. I began eating my food as Sam zipped his bag and walked over to me.

"We'll be back in a few days. I'll call you when we get in, okay?"

"Okay. Please both of you be safe."

"I'll miss you."

"Soft Sammy. I love it." I laugh at him.

I finally see the puppy dog eyes that Dean kept talking about and I stand up, giving him a hug and kissing his nose before he walked out the door.

"Goodbye Sam. Be safe, I mean it. I'll miss you too."

He smiles and walks out the door. I lock it and look to the window and wave as they back out of the parking lot, away on their dangerous mission.

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