chapter twenty five

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"Are you serious, Sam? A demon? For christ's sake!" I awake to Dean's screaming.

"I didn't even know! She saved me back at one of the last hunts. She showed up yesterday with me and Ang at the diner, gave us information. Information about how she can save you."

"Save me? From my deal? Sammy, that isn't happening! If anything happens, they'll kill you again and we'll both be dead."

"No, nothing like that. Trust me!"

"I can't believe you. Trusting a demon? That's low."

They are interrupted by a phone call, Dean reaches into his pocket but it isn't his.

"Is it yours?"

Sam shakes his head. Dean looks around the hotel room, and looks through a pile of phones picking one out. He answers it.

"Hello? Yeah. Thank you, we'll be right there."

"What was that?"

"Someone broke into Dad's storage unit. We gotta go."

Dean looks to me and I look to Sam, who still hadn't spoken to me.

"Are you coming?"

"Sure, why not?"

I get out of bed, still in my clothes from the night before. I grab my jacket and head out the door with the boys. I was quick to sit in the backseat, leaning back into the seat. We drive off, and on to the road. It was barely light out, and I couldn't remember what time I had went to bed last night. I just remembered talking to Dean and falling asleep. We pull into a large storage unit facility and I follow Dean into the storage unit. There was blood and glass on the ground, showing that someone had definitely broken in.

"Look around and see if anything is missing."

I look around to see if anything looked out of the ordinary. I saw many weapons and spooky memorabilia that was caked in dust, like it hadn't been touched in years. Dean had said this was his fathers storage unit, which I assume meant it had to be pretty old.

"Dean, there is a curse box missing." Sam calls us over to show a square shaped hole that was not covered in dust.


"What's a curse box?"

"It's holds cursed items and it keeps them from cursing people. If the item is touched, it will curse them. It can be a good curse or a bad one."

"Who would want something like that?"

"Probably another hunter."

"Good thing we have security cameras. Let's take a look."

We stand in front of some security footage and see two men walking through the storage unit. One of them getting shot from a booby trap, hence why there was blood all over the floor.

"Son of a bitch. They took the rabbits foot."

"Rabbits foot? Like good luck charm?"

"Yeah; but if you lose it, all your luck goes south and you'll die."

"Sounds great."

"Let's go find them."


We arrive at a beaten down apartment in the downtown area of town. The ride had been absolutely silent, Sam hadn't spoke any words to me at all. It has been odd, I was hoping he would speak to me soon. I missed him.

"Alright, whatever you guys do, don't touch the foot." Dean warns us as we approach a door. Dean walks right in and we see the two men sitting on the couch, playing cards. They look over to us.

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