chapter twenty

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I feel ties around my wrists and ankles. I couldn't move or speak, I was still not in control. I could feel but not see or hear. It was like an out of body experience. I suddenly felt the demon moving around inside of me, and I could hear it speaking.

"She's still in here you know? Everything you do to me, you do to her." 

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and along the sides of my body. I tried to scream out but I couldn't, nothing would happen.

I wish you could see this.

I kept feeling the burning sensation, the pain it was unbearable. It was worse than when Jake almost broke my arm.

"You wanna talk to her? Here she is!"

My eyes open and I could see. I see the ropes around my wrists and ankles, the ones I had felt earlier. I look up and see Dean standing in front of me. I look down and see blood soaking my jeans. I could begin to feel all the pain, and my throat was dry.

"Dean?" I felt my voice crack as I spoke and Dean's eyes changed from hatred to sadness.

"Angie, there's a demon inside of you. It must've gotten into you when the gates opened. I'm sorry we didn't notice."

"It's okay. Please just don't hurt me." I choke on the tears beginning to roll down my face. 

I see Bobby and Sam walk in behind Dean, seeing the tears in Sam's eyes. 


"Ang, we will get it out of you, okay?"

"I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it." I look back to Dean.

"It wasn't you."

"I might've thought about some of it, but I didn't mean it." Dean's expression changed, but I had to be honest.

"Hey, I'm unsure if you meant this or if the demon just wanted to throw me off but I love you Angie." Sam steps up in front of Dean for a moment.

I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I loved this man with my entire being, and here he is watching me being possessed by a demon, and listening to it say horrible things that were not true.

"I love-"

I was out again, this time I could see and hear everything that was happening. The demon began to laugh, spitting at Dean. They were trying to get information out of it but in doing that, they had to hurt me. I'm sure it was hard for them to do and see unfold but I knew it was what they had to do.

"Get the hell out of her!" Sam came up to the chair, beating his fists down on the arm rests.

"Kiss. My. Ass." I spit out, without even trying to.

I felt a sharp pain against my stomach, Dean slicing the demon once again. I shriek out in pain, but nothing comes out again. The demon continues to laugh. They throw holy water in my face, it feeling like nothing to me but the demon was screaming.

I would really love to see your guts all over the ground. Or Sam's.

I could kill you. Well, Dean will. I hear Bobby begin to speak out some words that sounded like the one's they had said when Sam was possessed. The whole room began to shake, and I felt a stirring in my body.

This won't be the last time you hear from me, Angie. Mark my words.

I was thrown back in my chair, seeing the black smoke leave my mouth. I heard the demon scream all the way out. I fall forward, almost feeling as if I was asleep. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I feel a pair of hands lifting my face up, another was cutting the ropes from my wrists and ankles.

"Angie?" It was Sam, he began tapping my cheeks to wake me.

"Sammy. I'm okay." I choke out my words, coughing. Blood fell from my mouth.

"Bobby, I need some help here."

Bobby began to tend to my wounds. He had to take off my shirt, leaving me in my bra in front of both of the boys. Both of them were very polite and kept their eyes on other things. The cuts weren't deep, just enough to give the demon some pain. None of them needed stitches, he just poured some alcohol and wrapped it in gauze. I was highly uncomfortable and in pain but I was hoping they got some information.

"Did you guys get information out of me?" I sort of laugh at the boys who both had sorrow looks on their faces.

"Yeah, only some but enough. Thanks for dealing. I'm sorry it had to be this way." Dean scratches the back of his neck.

"Do you guys know it's name? It kept saying it would come back for me."

"We did. It's name is Orion, never heard of them before until now. Hopefully it stays in hell and you won't have to hear from them again. We'll protect you."

I stand up, throwing my flannel back on over my bare body. It was sore but I would live. Sam was quick to stand by my side and help me to the bedroom. He helps me sit down on the bed, and I lean up against the headboard. 

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I sat there in silence for a few seconds until Sam grabbed my face and kissed me for a moment. He was sure to be gentle, unlike our last kiss.

"Sam, what the demon said, I meant it. I love you."

"I know. I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't catch on. I knew something was off-"

I put a finger to Sam's mouth to stop him from speaking.

"It's okay, really. I didn't even realize for a moment. I tried to warn you but they kept me from doing it. I'm just glad we're all okay. I'm also sorry about not telling you about what Dean did. I was in shock and was just happy to have you back. I missed you." I bring my arms to his shoulders and wrap my hands around his neck, holding the little curls on the back of his head.

"I'm glad we're okay too. We both deserve a break for a while. It's been a rough few weeks."

"How about we get some shut eye?" I bring my hands to my lap in the bed.

Sam nods and lays down next to me, pulling the covers down so we could get under them. I lay underneath them and turn to my side just a bit, to the point without it hurting. I turn my head to face Sam and see his eyes sparkle from the moonlight peaking in through the window. I smile at him and place a kiss on his nose.

"Goodnight, Ang."

"Goodnight, Sammy."

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