chapter nine

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I wake up tied to a bar next to a bar. I see a blonde girl tied to a pole across the way from me, she was conscious and was calling out for me.

"Hey? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Where are we?"

"Minnesota. My mom's bar. Where did Sam go?"

"I have no idea. I was with him and Dean and he took us to this house and we found a dead body. We found security tapes and turns out he killed him. He started attacking us and now I'm here."

"You know the boys?"

"Yeah, I've been with them a few months."

"I'm Jo. An old friend of theirs."

"Angie. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. He tried hooking up with me and then tied me up."

"I'm pretty sure it's not him. Something maybe possessing him. He wouldn't do this."

Suddenly, the bar doors open and I see Sam. 

"Glad to hear you've acquainted yourselves. Now, who am I going to torture first?" He flicks around a knife, smiling.

"Sam, this isn't you. What is happening? I can help you."

"You can't fix me. Just because we're connected doesn't mean I love you. I only ever said all that to get in your pants, you know that right?"

I feel a lump in my throat.

"Fuck you."

"Looks like you're gonna be first." He walks over to me, slicing the knife into my chest.

"This isn't your first time, huh?" He runs his fingers over my scars, and the fresh wounds from the week before.

"I know the real Sam would know that. Who are you?" I spit in his face.

He wipes it off and smacks me across the face, sending a rush of pain over my cheek.

"I told you already. This is me. The powers, they're turning me. They're gonna turn you sooner or later too. What, are you sad to see me this way?"

"Yeah I am. I thought you cared about me, but you're just the same as everyone else."

"Really? I think the other night would say otherwise." He slices me again, I feel blood rushing down my shirt.

He lowers himself so that we are eye-level. He begins to kiss up my neck and back to around my face, before biting my ear. He comes back to begin kissing my lips and I try to pull myself from him but he just grabs me to support himself. I feel his tongue slip in my mouth and I bite it, sending him backwards.

"You bitch!" He comes back to me, stabbing me in the shoulder.

He twists the knife inside me, and I get flashes of Gordon. Feeling the knife inside me, the nightmare I had that night. It was coming true. I see Jo fidgeting behind me and she's free, and I see Dean behind her. He told her to run and Sam turns around.

"Dean, you have to kill me. The dark side is taking over. Please, I don't want to hurt her anymore." He steps to the side, seeing my beaten and bloody body strapped to the chair.

Dean holds his gun steady, I could see the pain in his eyes. Sam begins moving closer to him and Dean throws water at him, and Sam begins screeching and I see smoke coming from his body. He falls to the ground and Dean begins to throw more at him. Sam looks back to me and I see his eyes turn black and he runs out the door.  Jo comes back in with a gun. 

Dean runs over to me,  checking over me. I begin to choke on my own blood.


"I'm here Dean."

"I'm sorry he did this to you. It's not him, you were right."

"What is that thing in him?"

"That's a demon, it's possessing him."

"Do demons lie?"

"Sometimes.  But sometimes they say things that is inside the actual persons mind, but of course they're using it against you. Why?"

"Nothing.  Go get him,  don't worry about me."

"I'm not leaving you."  He unties me from the chair and I fall into him.

Jo comes over with a first aid kit that consisted of alcohol, a pair of tweezers, and some gauze. 

"I'll help fix you up, okay? But this is gonna hurt like hell."


She pours the alcohol in my wounds and I bite my lip to prevent myself from screaming. Dean grabs my hand, as I lean into him as Jo patches me up. She also wraps my wrist that Sam had broken back at the house, she had said it was in fact broken. She puts a bunch of gauze over my cuts and stab wound, applying pressure. The bleeding stops after a while and I begin to feel the life come back into my body.

"Dean, go find Sam. Please save him."

"Will do, sweetheart. Are you alright?"

"I'm good for now."

Jo stays with me for a few minutes, giving me a glass of water.

"Thank you, Jo."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you. He was doing the same thing to me before you woke up, I thought it was him."

"It's alright."

I kept thinking about the things he said. Dean said that demons lied but what if he wasn't?

"I'm assuming you and Sam are a couple then?"

"I wouldn't put it that way. We've kissed and all. But, we haven't really established what we are."

"Just know that that wasn't him. He didn't mean it. I'm sure he's in there trying to fight his way out."

"Yeah, I hope so."

I hear a gunshot outside but I still felt weak. Jo helped me up and she ran outside. I followed slowly behind her, and saw her by a boat dock. She was pulling a body up on the ramp.

"Dean!" She screamed.

I tried limping over as fast as I could but my shoulder was burning. I saw Dean had been hit.

"That son of a bitch shot me off the dock."

He was soaked, from falling in the water. Jo carried him inside, and did the same first aid on him as she did on me. She had to pull the bullet out. Dean was chugging the same alcohol she used to clean his wound. He was really tough compared to me. I had been shot too,  but I definitely didn't take it well. As soon as he was cleaned up, his phone rang.

It was another hunter friend named Bobby. He said Sam had showed up to his house, and was acting strange.

"It's not Sam. He's possessed. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you, Jo."

She nods and waves as Dean and I leave to go to South Dakota. He gets in the driver seat and begins driving off and fast as possible.

"Thank you for saving me, Dean."

"No problem, I'm really sorry Sammy did this to you. It's not him, but I should've believed you."

"It's okay, really."

"I know how bad this can make you feel. You might not see Sam the same way for a while. What kind of stuff did he say?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

I slip his hoodie over me, feeling the pain for even moving my shoulder. I lean myself into the window as we drove down the highway with the stars shining bright. I pulled my hands through the hoodie to cover them because I was cold. I breathe in the hoodie and still smell Sam on it. Tears roll down my face, scared for what was going to happen next. I just wanted Sam to be okay.

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