twenty six

329 9 6

I didn't sleep for a single second that night. I stared at the wall across from us and didn't sleep. I stared at the wall with wide, bloodshot eyes and watched it get brighter and brighter as the sun rose. I stared at the wall until my alarm went off. That's when the exhaustion really sunk in, my skeleton feeling like stone as I dragged myself out of bed. Gerard simply rolled over and pulled my pillow a little closer. It made me smile.

Work was hell, but at least the day went by quickly.

- - - - -

"Gerard?" I call out. The apartment seems quiet. My eyebrows crease a little bit and I feel the anxiety slowly setting in. What if he left? I wouldn't be surprised. It's not like he had much to stay for anyways.

I try to breathe but it's too quiet in here; I really don't like being alone. Suddenly, my phone buzzes.

gee🖤 : hey, i'm on my way home!!

gee🖤 : haha "way"

gee🖤 : that's my name

I laugh softly, feeling a little more at ease. I wish I wasn't like this. I mean, I was only home by myself for like 2 seconds before I started slipping.

me : you're a genius. see you soon

read 5:05 pm

I slip off my shoes and black jacket, dropping my keys in the bowl. The parlor isn't far, he'll be home soon.

I wring my hands and nod in fake approval of the quiet, empty space. I walk into the spare room and pick up my guitar, plugging it in and sitting down against the wall.

A few songs later, I hear the door opening. "Frankie? I'm home."

"I'm in here!" I call back. Gerard walks in, and sits down criss-cross in front of me. "Hi." He smiles. "I got waffle mix."

I look up from the strings. "What?"

"I got stuff to make waffles, because you had a rough night last night and you were already gone when I woke up, so I couldn't make you breakfast. But now I'm going to."

"Y-You don't have t-"

"Yes I do. C'mon, come keep me company." The black-haired man stands up and holds out his hand. I set my instrument to the side and stand up without taking his hand. "Th-Thanks." I mumble with a smile. "Of course, my dear."

Once again, I blush. My knees feel unsteady and I think my heart might just fucking explode.

- - - - -

I gasp in playful shock, my jaw dropped. The smear of batter drips down from my nose and onto my lip. Gerard giggles. "You've got something on your face.." He says. I roll my eyes and then reach for the bowl of waffle batter, dipping two fingers in it. I smear the mixture across his cheek. He lets out a noise that's close to a squeal and grabs the can of whipped cream sitting on the counter. "Oh, d-don't you dare." I laugh. He pops off the lid and grins at me. "Gerard Arthur Way!" I hold up a spatula in mock defense, smiling so wide it hurts, unable to contain the laugher bubbling up from my chest. "Ooh, my middle name... I'm terrified." Gerard quips, pressing his index finger gently against the nozzle of the can. He darts his arm out and sprays a little bit across my cheek, right where I put the batter on his. I lunge toward him and snatch away the can with a triumphant "Hah!" and a smirk.

"Oh, please, have mercy." Gerard says, jutting out his bottom lip and clasping his hands together like he's saying grace. I giggle and spray a tiny bit right on his pouting lip, then lean in and kiss him. The whipped cream is sweet and silky between our lips, the sugary taste mixing with the richer taste of the coffee he last drank. I pull him closer by the back of his neck and tilt my head to the side a little, letting the kiss deepen. Not too much; not enough to cause any trepidation. It's absolutely perfect.

- - - - -

"Babe, we are so good at cooking." Gerard announces, holding up a piece of vegan waffle that's dripping with syrup. "A-Agreed." I reply, absentmindedly nibbling at a small square that I've skewered onto the end of my fork. "Oh, that reminds me! Mikey said the funniest fucking thing earlier-"

I zone out a little bit, mostly watching how much Gerard moves his hands when he talks. At the back of my mind, I know that it'll be nighttime soon. Time to sleep. But I can't. I won't. I can't have that nightmare again, I can't wake Gee up and bother him again, I can't fucking do it. I'm so tired but the fear of him coming back is far greater than the exhaustion.

- - - - -

The radio hums softly from Gerard's desk as flips through an old issue of Deadpool and I play my guitar along to the songs I know. It's around 9pm, but I hear him yawn every now and then. He finishes the comic and stands up. "I think I'm gonna go to bed. Are you staying up?" The taller one asks. "I'll be in in a minute." I lie through my teeth, smiling up at him. "Alright. Love you." Gerard says, leaning down to my spot on the fold out couch that's folded in right now. He kisses me and then walks out, taking a sharp right into our bedroom. I sigh softly.

- - - - - - - - - -
3rd person

An hour or so passes and Gerard can still hear him playing. He falls asleep until around 1 am, and on his way to get a glass of water sees Frank on the couch, still awake. He's got a marathon of Stephen King movies on and Gerard doesn't even bother asking if he's going to sleep tonight.

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