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"Well, I h-h-have two things go t-tell you. One, m-my band broke up. Two, a-apparently B-Bob is planning to m-make a plea deal with the d-d-district attorney." I announce to the Gerard that is sitting criss-cross on the couch, reading a comic book. He looks up at me. "Really?"

"Yeah. The DA still n-needs to i-interview a w-w-witness, but he's being o-offered a plea bargain."

"That's... good?"

"It m-means we don't have to g-g-go to trial." I shrug.

"Well then, yeah. That's good. I'm sorry about your band though."

"Oh, it's f-f-fine. I didn't really ex-expect us to, y'know, m-make it big."

Gerard nods.

"Anyways, h-h-how are you?"

I stayed at Gerard's apartment for two days, then went back to the house Bob and I shared. It's in his name, but it's been two weeks and no one's kicked me out yet. I still visit Gee every few days, and we text constantly.

The stitches in my top lip had been taken out last week, and the ones in my nose get removed tomorrow. I'm glad the bruises are healed.

"I'm good. The new issue came out today." He grins, holding up the comic. "I s-saw that. Is it g-good?" I reply, sitting down on the couch next to Gee. "Very."

"A-And about the w-w-witness thing... th-they want y-you to give a testimony." I mumble. "Me?" "Y-Yeah. Sorry." "No need to apologize. What do I need to, like, do?"

"Um, I think y-you'll get a c-c-call in the next f-few days, and j-just tell them what you k-know about m-me and Bob's relationship."

"Okay." He nods.

- - - - - - - - - -

I ended up getting a call from the prosecutor on Wednesday, telling me to come in on Saturday. So I threw on a black button up, a red tie, black dress pants and prepared to tell them what the fucking monster had done to Frankie.

- - - - -

"On January 1st, at around midnight, I got a call from Frank. He had ran away from the house, and I picked him up. His wrist was dislocated and he told me he had been... um... s-sexually assaulted." I mumble the last part. I didn't particularly like saying that in front of total strangers, but I just want Bob in jail.

"Did you personally witness any violence towards Mr. Iero from the defendant?"

"No, but I've seen the aftermath."

"Got it. Sir, how long have you known the victim?"

"About a month."

The woman nods. She's wearing a pressed navy blue pantsuit, and looks kind of intimidating. My leg bounces up and down nervously.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about their relationship?"

"Well, I can tell you that Frank lives in fear every single day of his life. He walks on eggshells around Bob because he'll hurt him the first chance he gets. Frank has been beaten into submission and is now just a punching bag for that piece of shit. Frank is a fucking angel, ma'am. He deserves the entire goddamn world and instead he ends up in the hospital. Do you know why he was in the hospital?"

"That information was not disclosed o me, no."

"Frank went out to get coffee. That was it. But Bob decided he didn't like that. So he beat Frank within an inch of his life and tossed him outside the E.R."

The woman nods. "Well, thank you, Mr. Way."

"Yeah, anytime." I mutter, standing up.

- - - - -

me: are you home?

Oreo <3: yep

me: cool, mind if i come over? i just got done w/ the witness interview thing

Oreo <3: not at all :) see u soon

- - - - -

As soon as I walk in the door, Frank walks up to me. "Is it o-okay if I h-h-hug you?" He asks nervously. I smile. "Yeah, of course." The smaller one wraps his arms around my waist, squeezing tightly. I do the same to him, holding him tightly. He feels so small in my grasp, I just wanna protect him.

"S-S-Sorry, I just n-needed a hug." Frank mumbles, pulling away. "Hey, we talked about that. You don't need to apologize when you haven't done anything wrong, okay?" I remind him gently.

"R-Right." Frank nods, looking away.

"You okay?"

"I don't wanna like, b-bother you." He shrugs. I guess he's feeling a little more anxious today; he seems to start doubting himself a lot when he's anxious. "Frankie, you aren't bothering me." I brush his black hair out of his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"A-Are you s-s-sure?"

"Yeah." I nod. "C'mere." We walk to the dining room table and sit down. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, then hands one to me. "Uh, it's just, um, a lot, y'know. H-He's gone and th-then today you going in to t-t-talk to them and he'll be in j-jail soon, there's just so much going on and it's all ha-happening so fast."

I nod slowly, taking a drag. "I get it. But, y'know, everything's gonna be okay. And besides, even if it's happening fast, that means it'll be over fast. He's gone, Oreo. Forever. Do you, uh, think you need to go to a meeting?" I ask.

Frank nods. "T-That would pr-probably be a good idea."

- - - - -

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I've heard those words a million times. I started going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings with Frank a few days after the incident at my house. He'd only been a few times, during his clean streak when he was first with Bob. I've obviously been going for a while.

He's spoken only once, and doesn't like it, 'cause of his stutter. I mean, I think it's cute, but that's very much besides the point.

- - - - -

After the meeting, I get a text from Mikey.

Michael: Do you wanna go on a double date with me and Pete for valentine's day?

Me: i'm single

Michael: Bring Frank

Me: that's gonna be awkward

Michael: No it won't, just ask him

Me: fine

"Uh, so, my brother was wondering if you wanted to go with me and him and his boyfriend on like, a Valentine's day thing." I blurt out, looking at Frank. He looks back at me.

"L-Like... a d-date?"

"Well, I mean, it's a group thing, but you can call it that if you want." I mumble, giving him a little half-smile.

And I swear to God he blushes.

"Y-Y-Yeah, that sounds fun." Frank replies. "Wh-What should I w-wear?" He asks as we get in the car. "Just what you usually wear. It's not some big fancy thing."

"Well, t-to me it i-is."

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