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"I just wanted to celebrate." Frank slurs with a shrug.

"I was worried, doll." Gerard sighs, kneeling down next to him. "You weren't responding to any of my calls, I thought something happened to you."


"What are you, uh, celebrating?"

"4 years. He's in prison for four whole years. They told me this morning." Frank grins. His pupils are pinpointed and unfocused.

Gerard sighs, nodding. "Okay, baby. Alright."

Frank reaches up and puts his tattooed hand on Gerard's cheek. "You're very at-attractive. Did you know t-that?"

The black-haired man laughs softly. "Thanks, Frankie. Now let's get you off the floor."

"B-But it's comfy down here." He protests.

"It won't be in a little while. Can I pick you up?"

"Only if you give me a k-kiss!" Frank giggles as the taller man picks him up bridal style, just like that night at Gerard's apartment. Frank wraps his arms around Gerard's neck as he's carried up the stairs and into his room.

"Hey, hey, I wanted a kiss." The black and blond haired one pouts as he's lowered into bed, his body limp. "Not right now, baby. I'll kiss you when you're sober."

- - - - - - - - - -

Frank wakes up a few hours later. He looks outside, realizing that it's already dark out. He rubs the drowsiness from his eyes, the realization hitting him. "Oh, God."

He doesn't know how he got to the bed. Shakily, he stands up and stumbles to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face.

The house is empty, he notices, as he walks through it. Frank steps out into the backyard and lights a cigarette, taking a long, deep drag that burns his throat and makes his eyes water. When the short male pulls his phone out of his pocket, he sees all the missed calls from Gerard and sighs sadly.

My phone begins to loudly ring, making me jump. "Jesus motherfucking christ..." I exhale, setting down my sketchbook. I look at the caller ID and smile.


"H-Hi, uh, wanna c-c-come over?" Frank's voice sounds small, almost timid.

"Sure, I can be there in about 15 minutes?"

"P-Perfect, yeah."

I slip on my Converse and lock the door to my apartment. The neighbor waves at me, and I wave back, then begin to clear the stairs two at a time.

As I pull up to Frank's house, my heart starts pounding. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. As soon as it opens, Frank wraps his arms around me tightly. "I'm s-sorry, Gee. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize, baby. You're alright." I soothe, rubbing his back. He begins to shake, and I realize that he's crying. "Aw, Frankie." I pull him closer. We slowly shift until we're inside, and I kick the door closed. Frank jumps, then squeezes me tighter. "Shh, shh, you're okay, let it out."

"I'm s-sorry I'm such a cr-crybaby." Frank sniffles, stepping away. "You aren't a crybaby. Come here." I open my arms again. "N-No, I don't w-wanna get an-annoying. I sh-shouldn't have called." He wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his zip up jacket. "Honey, you're never going to be annoying to me." I step towards him and he flinches.

"Oh, Frankie, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise."

"Sorry." He mutters, drawing his wrists up to his chest. He pops his knuckles repeatedly.

"It's okay, I know you can't help it, I just want you to know that I'd never ever hurt you."

Frank nods and walks toward me. I look into his eyes as he stands up a little taller and pressed his lips against mine. He's always so gentle, like he's scared to kiss me.

"We should take a trip." I say.


"Ever been to Ocean City? It's about 2 hours from here, I used to go all the time as a kid. It's got a boardwalk and a beach and a little theme park sometimes."

"Uh, y-yeah, that s-sounds rad." He smiles. "When are you, y'know, free?"
"It's not like I h-h-have a j-job." He giggles. I crack a smile. "True. I'll pick you up Friday morning, 'round 9?" I ask. "Perfect. D-Do you, uh, w-wanna sleep h-h-here tonight?" "Course I do, Oreo. Are you sure you're alright?"

He shrugs. "B-Better now, I g-guess."

- - - - -

My arm is resting protectively over Frank's stomach, his body pressed close to mine. He's the little spoon, of course. I place a soft kiss to the side of his neck, feeling his breathing begin to slow to a soft rhythm. Frank is warm, and small, and cute and I really think I love him. I can feel his hip bones and shoulder blades so clearly and it makes me sad and makes me wanna protect him from the world.

"Goodnight, baby." I almost let the emotion take my voice, but it holds steady.

"Night, Gee."

I smile to myself.

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