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Gerard holds the camera above them, his finger poised over the button. Frank grabs his tie and pulls him a little closer, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Gerard grins and snaps the photo.

The taller one giggles and lowers his arm, turning his head to kiss Frank properly.

"I love you so much, Frankie." Gerard can't stop smiling, kissing him in between words.

"No, no, you g-gotta say my full name." Frank wraps his arms loosely around Gerard's neck and kisses him.

"I love you so much, Frank Iero-Way." He corrects.

Frank squeals happily, spinning them around and kissing his husband. "We look so gay right now." Gerard snorts.

"I know, i-i-it's great." The black-and-blonde haired man grins. "And it's about to get a lot gayer once we get t-to Italy."

"You can always chance your mind, y'know. We don't have to just because you said it earlier."

"I still feel ready. V-Very nervous, but still ready."

"Still, let me know if you change your mind." Gerard kisses him again.

"I will. What t-t-t-t-time is our flight, Gerard Way-Iero?" Frank asks.

"Our flight is at 12:30, dear husband of mine." Gerard replies, taking Frank's hand as they walk across the parking lot.

"We should f-find a place to eat, husband." Frank leans his head against the artists shoulder.

"I agree, husband." Gerard smiles, turning and kissing the top of Frank's head. His hair is soft and freshly washed, smelling faintly of Old Spice. "I need to call Adam and Mikey first, though. They wanted me to let them know that neither of us ran away at the last minute."

"Alright." Frank unlocks his car and loosens his tie. Gerard kisses him on the cheek one more time before pulling out his phone.

- - - - -

They find a cute little diner and then almost miss their flight, but eventually make it on board.

"Oh, God. I hate planes." Gerard mutters, gripping his armrest tightly.

"Really? I've never b-been on one. You want one of my anxiety pills?"

"Well, if you're offering." Gerard laughs softly. Frank reaches below the seat and picks up his carry-on bag, taking out the bottle of pills. He sets one on Gerard's tray table. "Thanks."

"No problem." Frank holds out his hand and Gerard takes it, gripping tightly as the stewardess announces their take off.

- - - - -

They both end up falling asleep on the 11 hour flight to Rome, Frank's head on Gerard's shoulder and Gerard's head on Frank's.

The shaking of the landing wakes Gerard up.

"Baby, wake up." He mumbles, nudging Frank with his elbow.

"What happened? Are we dying?"

"No, husband. We just landed."

Frank sits up immediately. "We did? Holy sh-shit! We're here!" He smiles widely.

"We're here." Gerard repeats with a matching smile, leaning over to kiss Frank's cheek softly.

On the taxi ride over, they can barely keep their hands -or lips- off of each other, but manage to get to the hotel without ruining the backseat.

"B-Buonasera, abbiamo una prenotazione s-s-sotto il nome 'Way'?" Frank says to the hotel receptionist.

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