Chapter 21-Eucatastrophe

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Before I know it, Harry leaps out of Hagrids' arms, very much so alive. Draco charges across the battle field, still locking hands with me.

"Potter!" he shouts, tossing him the wand Harry had at the castle before I disarmed him. The three of us duck behind stone rubble as my father casts numerous spells in our direction.

Harry runs forward, back to Voldemort; I follow close behind. The two of them are casting massive spells against one another-Harry's green and Voldemort's red. I watch as the fiery red slowly starts to overpower the green. Not long after, Harry's wand flies from his hand. 

"Finally, this is your time Harry Potter," Voldemort cackles. As soon as he lifts his wand and mumbles the death curse, I jump in front of Harry and send a defensive spell back. The power from each of our wands fights one another. 

It doesn't take long for the Elder wand in Voldemort's hand to shoot out of his hand and into my own. "Oh father, I would think that you would know better. I pieced it all together now; why you killed Severus, why you were able to overpower Harry. You see, the Elder wand was in the possession of Dumbledore until Draco disarmed him, making him the owner of the wand; but you thought it was still in Severus' control. Meanwhile, back at the manor, Harry disarmed Draco and then after he cursed me, I disarmed him. What does that all mean you may ask?" I hesitate to be able to look into my fathers' eyes. "The Elder wand belongs to me," I smile in satisfaction.

"Well done my daughter. Now if that is the case, then why don't you carry out the final task. After all your practice over the course of the year, you may finally put it to work. Kill Harry Potter," a devilish smile crawls across his face.

I watch as that same evil grin disintegrates off his face as I shake my head no. "No. I am not your daughter. I am going to send you to Azkaban."

I am not able to finish before a spell is cast from behind me, striking Voldemort in the chest. Watching as he falls into pieces, I whip around to see who did it. Harry stares into my eyes, not wavering his wand which is directly pointed at me.


"I would kill you right now because I know that I would get away with it, but you saved my life just now. However, that won't stop me from sending you to Azkaban," Harry says through closed teeth.

"I haven't done anything wrong Harry," I plead with him, watching as everyone starts circling around us. A fire begins burning inside of me; one that I have never felt before. "I have never done anything wrong to you Harry. In fact, I have tried so hard for years to show you how good I am," my voice doesn't waver as tears stream down my face. "I stuck by your side as your best friend. At one point, I loved you as much as you loved me if I remember correctly. I consoled you with the death of Sirius. I literally just stuck up for you against my own blood and yet you still question my loyalty," I breathe hard from talking so fast. "I am done! I can't keep doing this anymore." 

I look around at the people I used to call my friends-the people I used to love and trust. Hermione has tears welling up in her eyes. Ron's nose is scrunched in disgust. Finally, I see Draco; his forehead wrinkled with concern and worry. Turning back to Harry, something cracks inside of me. I no longer feel the care I felt only minutes ago for the people around me. I lift my wand. 

"If all you see and will ever see is the evil in me, then that is all you will get. I am not going to kill you. Not today at least. As I remember, you took no hesitation cursing me with the sectumsempra curse. No completely good person can do that to another. Protego diabolica," I yell. A ring of flames surrounds Harry and I, enclosing the two of us from the others. With a simple flick of my wand, Harrys' flies into the flames. I watch as fear crosses his eyes. 

"You are going to regret this Riddle," he says my last name with disgust.

"No, I don't think that I will. I can see you beginning to understand my power. You are no match for me Harry. Obliviate!" I carefully select a few of his memories-memories that are crucial to Harrys' identity. I take them away the parts of his story that make him the hero so that all he is left with are the memories that show him who he really is. I want him to understand that not even the Harry Potter is completely good.

Once I am done, I leave his mind and evaporate the fire encircling us. All eyes turn to face us once more. Draco rushes to my side and before anyone else can stop us, I apparate us away.

We appear at the Malfoy Manor. "Hurry Millie, we have to pack only essentials and then leave. We can run away together," Draco rushes me inside.

"Draco wait! No. You can still have a life. I don't want you to waste it for me."

He pulls me into him and kisses my lips hard. When he leans back, he says, "I choose you. I always have and always will. No matter what."

I smile, knowing that what he says is true. "Me too Draco. I choose you."

The both of us run upstairs and pack as much into a few bags as we can. We are about to leave when someone comes barging through the front door. Draco and I grab out our wands to protect ourselves when the familiar face of Narcissa emerges into our view. She runs and grabs us into a hug.

"I was so worried. I thought that I would never see either of you again. I am afraid that you must go Amelia, it is not safe for you here. I would like you to stay in contact with Draco and I so that we can tell you when it is safe. But, if I can ask you one favor, please don't bring my family into any more danger," Narcissa cries to me.

"Mother," her attention shifts to Draco who reaches out to cup her face. "I am going with her. I can't stay here with you because I need to be with Amelia."

I watch as Narcissas' face falls in pain and heart break. "I will keep him safe Narcissa and we will stay in contact I promise."

Knowing that there was no changing her sons' mind, Narcissa grabs us both into another tight hug. "Stay safe. I love you both dearly."

With that, the two of us apparate away. Draco has plans of our future together on his mind. Me on the other hand, I have other plans. I am going to destroy the very safety and security that Harry Potter just created. I am going to show the rest of the world exactly the person that they created; and I will not stop until every single person regrets the way that they treated me.

The End!

*Author's Note: Sorry this last chapter is a bit shorter than the others. I really appreciate you all taking the time to read my first book. I hope you all left a little constructive criticism for me because I definitely need the feedback. Like I said before, I can't emphasize this enough, thank you for reading my first book and I hope you all enjoyed! Stay tuned because I plan on writing more; possibly more fan-fictions, but definitely some other genres too!

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