Chapter 13-Thantophobia

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I wake up gasping for breath. Cedric is pulling me out of the water. I am so confused how I got here. I start hyperventilating as he tries to swim us to the dock.

"It's okay Millie. You are safe now, I got you," Cedric reassures me panting.

I look up at all the cheering people and see Draco. His face appears very upset. The last thing I remember is walking into Dumbledore's office. Draco rushes down and helps pull me up onto the dock. He wraps me in a huge blanket; I am shaking from how cold I am.

My attention is pulled away from my confusion when Krum pops out of the water with Hermione in his arms. I jump up to help them out. Hermione is clearly just as cold and confused as I am. I let her share the blanket and wrap it around the both of us. I can see Cedric keeps on looking at me in concern, but so many people are congratulating him that he can't come over. Draco stays right by my side.

I look over and see Fleur crying; she didn't complete her task. The time is ticking down and I begin to worry for Harry; his gillyweed will only last for so long. Right as I begin to freak out, both Fleur's little sister and Ron emerge from the water. Not far behind, Harry pops out too.

Everyone celebrates the triumphs of the second task. Cedric was awarded first place because he finished first, but since Harry saved two people, they called it a draw. That night everyone celebrated with a massive party as per usual. I was drained so I went to bed before everyone else. When I got to my dorm room, I saw that an owl had left a letter by my window.

Dear sweet Millie,                                                                                                                         February 24th, 1994

Hello darling! I hope that the rest of your holiday break festivities were enjoyable. Draco sent me a letter this morning and to say that he was distressed is an understatement. He was utterly enraged that you were put into the second task of the tournament. I must say that from what he described, I was quite anxious for you as well. I hope that you are doing alright and that you are able to get some good rest. I miss you and Draco terribly. But other than that everything is going smoothly at the manor. I wish you nothing but the best.

Yours truly,

Narcissa Malfoy

I decide to write back to her.

Dear Narcissa,

Thank you so much for your kind letter. I am doing alright, just terribly exhausted. I was a bit confused by the whole situation, but I am doing a lot better now. I am happy to hear that you are doing good. I miss you and the manor so much as well. Also, on another side note, I have something very important to ask you. From my understanding, you and Lucius have been together since you attended Hogwarts, and I suppose that I am wondering how you did it. I am asking you this because the other day, Cedric started talking about our future together, and I just need some advice. Thank you Narcissa.

With love,


I have an owl send the letter as soon as I am done writing it. I remember her diary and I decide that I shouldn't be snooping around in her business any longer so I grab it and make my way back to the room I found it in. Once I am there, I find a better hiding place and tuck it away. I decide to look around before returning to my room. I see a beautiful tiara that catches my eye. I am about to put it on when I hear a noise. As I whip around, I pull out my wand in defense. Draco emerges from behind a stack of books with his arms in the air.

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