Chapter 17-Drapetomania

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Before I am given the chance to respond, all the others rush into the room. I look at them, but I can feel Harry's eyes still staring at me.

The ministry of magic takes all of us to the hospital right away. We are all split up. As the doctors check our health, we are interrogated. I have a hard time speaking because of the overwhelming sinking feeling in my stomach. I don't know how I am going to hide who my father is from Harry much longer.

All of us are let out of the hospital after our check ups. Rather than finishing out the school year, we are exempt from the last few days. Severus is there to pick me up straight from the hospital. I am not able to say good bye to any of my friends before he takes me back home.

"What were you thinking Amelia? Did you not understand the chance that the Malfoy family and I gave you last summer. You have completely blown it, and I am afraid that there is nothing that I can do now. It is inevitable." I can't even fit a word in without him hushing me. "Pack any necessities that you may want. We are going to the Malfoy Manor immediately."

"Severus! Hold on for one second. Please just tell me what is going on," I beg him.

"Last summer, we told you to leave because your father was back. He has been looking for you; to recruit you. He knows that besides Harry, you are significantly more powerful than any other wizard or witch your age. He wants to use you in his army Amelia. I am afraid that we have put this off as long as we can. With Lucius and several others taken away to Azkaban, your father needs you. I am sorry Amelia."

I am taken aback by everything that Severus just told me. "There is absolutely no way that I am becoming a Death Eater. I refuse to join them. Please don't take me to him. I want nothing to do with them," I shout at him.

There was no arguing with Severus. I packed a few items that I deemed most valuable and we left for the Malfoy Manor.

By the time we arrived, I felt defeated and exhausted. We entered the manor and Narcissa immediately pulled me into a hug. I looked behind her and saw Draco. I hadn't talked to him in months.

"I am so sorry sweet Amelia, but you need to get changed. They will be here soon." I look around and see that all three of them were in all black compared to my bright clothing. "I have laid out an outfit for you to wear in your old room," Narcissa tells me sweetly.

I thank her quietly before heading upstairs. I enter my old room and see a beautiful black silk dress with black heels. Quickly, I get changed. The dress hugs my body perfectly. A high slit on the left side exposes most of my leg. The completely open back sends shivers up my body. There are only spaghetti straps which I haven't worn since I was a child. I feel naked with the giant scar uncovered on my arm. Slipping on the heels, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I tell the person.

Draco opens the door and looks at me. "You look stunning Amelia." I don't respond. I see him staring at the scar on my arm which makes me self conscience. He clears his throat and says, "it is time for you to come down. They have started arriving and the lord never likes to be left waiting."

"I don't care what your lord thinks. If he wants to kill me for leaving him waiting, then that would be better than joining him," I snap. Right away I feel bad. I know that none of this is Draco's fault; and from the expression on his face, he doesn't want any part of this either. I mumble, "I am sorry Draco. Let's go so that I don't get you in trouble."

Together, we make our way down the stairs; one of my arms is wrapped around Draco's. When we get down there, I realize we are too late. My scar tingles, giving me the warning that he is already here.

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