Chapter 20-Ibrat

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I can see the hatred in their eyes as Draco and I enter the room. Bellatrix grabs both of our wrists and drags us closer to them. "Is it him? Is it Harry?" she asks us.

Draco and I look at each other and I warn him with my eyes. "I can't be sure," Draco responds.

Bellatrix slaps the back of his head. "How can you not be sure? You have gone to school with him for years!"

"Draco, if this is Harry, we would be greatly rewarded. But we need to be sure, so take one more look," Lucius warns him.

I speak up before Draco can say anything else. "It is not him. As for the other two, they must have left Harry as soon as they could," I point at Ron and Hermione. "They always have been cowards. Whoever this is, it is not Harry. Let them all go!"

I see the confusion in all three of their eyes. They very well know that I am lying and that I know exactly who they are. Bellatrix cries out. "No! Take the boys to the dungeon. The girl has some explaining to do considering she is carrying the Gryffindor sword. The very same one that should be locked in my vault."

The Death Eaters that brought the three of them in are dismissed. Lucius and Draco take the boys down to the dungeon. I stand next to Narcissa and watch as Bellatrix throws Hermione-the girl who used to be a sister to me-to the floor. She climbs on top of her and interrogates her. I am not sure what it is about this sword that brings so much distress to Bellatrix.

She pulls out her wand and rips Hermione's sleeve up on her left arm. I grab onto Narcissa's hand, seeking her comfort. Hermione's blood curdling scream sends shocks through my body as Bellatrix digs the word 'mudblood' into her arm. I squeeze my eyes shut. Once I hear the screaming cease, I dare to open my eyes. Hermione looks lifeless on the floor except for one tear rolling down her cheek.

Unafraid of the repercussions, I rush to her side. I pick up her head and lay it into my lap. "You are so strong Herm. You are going to be okay," I whisper. Her eyes stare into mine.

We are interrupted by yelling. The boys had escaped from the dungeons with the help of a household elf. Harry and Ron are yelling at me to get away from Hermione. I don't move. Harry shouts, "sectumsempra!" This is a curse that Severus taught me-no one else was supposed to know it.

I fall backward and shake in pain. I look down at my body and have deep gashes all over myself. Blood already begins to pool around me. I shoot one last spell in Harry's direction, "expelliarmus!" I pass out due to blood loss-completely unaware of how the next few minutes unfold.

When I wake up again, Draco is pacing back and forth next to my bed. He sits on the bed next me me after noticing that I woke up. He gently swoops a piece of hair in my face behind my ear. "I was so worried Millie. Why didn't you protect yourself? You are more than capable of doing so!" I sit up and moan in pain. "Woah woah woah, be careful. We healed your wounds to the best of our ability, but they are not completely gone."

"Yep I figured that much," I chuckle. "I didn't want to cast an aggressive spell back and risk hurting one of them. I think I hit Harry with the 'expelliarmus' spell though." Draco pulls a wand-Harry's wand-out of his pants pocket. "But, I was also confused. The spell that Harry used on me was one that Severus taught us. Harry should not have known how to use it," I confess. "It worries me. How much more does Harry know than we thought?"

Draco crinkles his brows in thought. "You are right Millie. But we will worry about that later; for now, lets get you some food."

With the help of Draco, I slowly hobbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. The fresh smell of cinnamon filled my nose. "Amelia! I am so happy to see you walking again. Would you like some fresh cinnamon rolls?" Narcissa asks me sweetly.

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