Chapter 5-Ineffable

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"Cedric where are we going?" I ask as we run up steep spiral staircases. Before he can answer, we stop running. He looks back at me and pushes open a door. We step out and I realize we are on the astronomy tour. The weather is starting to feel a lot colder; it sends a shiver up my spine. 

Cedric sits against the back wall. I sit next to him, the cold stones making me shiver even more. Cedric puts his arm around me; I lean into his body and am filled with warmth. Turning my head up to stare into his eyes, he leans down and kisses me softly. His lips linger on mine longer than before. When he pulls up his cheeks are rosy from the cold.

"You are beautiful Amelia Ridds." I look down letting a smile creep onto my face. "This probably was not the best idea considering it is getting so chilly, but I wanted some privacy with you. I must admit that I have not been able to stop thinking about you since yesterday." Cedric laughs, I can hear the embarrassment slipping out of his mouth.

"Me either," I respond. "I am wondering though, are you entering the tournament? I realize that you are 17, and well I just do not think you should. It will be dangerous..." I hesitate before continuing, "I just can't bear the thought of you getting hurt."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. "I have to do it you know. Everyone is expecting me to, I can't just let them down."

I can hear the pain in his voice. He wants to be the hero. I finally understand Cedric Diggory. He is loved by all because of the choices he makes. He thinks about what would make other people happy before himself. This idea troubles me even more, but I know there is no changing him. "Okay. In that case, I will be rooting for you all the way through until you get to hold the Triwizard cup," I look back up at him as I say this. I can see the instant relief on his face as I support him. He kisses me again; this time more passionately. We stay like this for quite some time until my hands turn red from the brisk air.

As we retreat down the stairs, Cedric reaches back to intertwine his fingers in mine. Hand in hand, we make our way to the dining hall for lunch. Once we enter the room, he turns and places a gentle kiss on my forehead and heads over to the Hufflepuff tables. I make my way to my friends who are busy in conversation.

"I am telling you, he is suspicious," Hermione tells the boys. She looks up and sees me, "Millie! There you are!"

Before any of us can say something else, the dining hall doors burst open. Surrounded by a crowd of people, Fred and George make their way to the Goblet of Fire. 

"Did you really do it?" Ron asks the boys.

"It isn't going to work," Hermione adds.

I am very confused what is going on until the twins shoot some potion down their throats. With a nod, both boys hop in the rings surrounding the goblet. Everyone cheers from their success. As they toss their names in the goblet, something changes. A large flame emerges from the goblet and hits Fred and George out of the circle. When they get up again, the flame had cast a spell to make them appear very old. Everyone begins laughing hysterically.

The laughter ends when Krum from Durmstrang enters the circle. Everyone watches as he tosses his name into the goblet.

"He will no doubt be chosen," Ron remarks to the rest of us.

As Krum walks past our table, I can't help but notice his slight glance towards Hermione. She blushes and I eye her quizzically. My attention is brought back to the goblet as I see a few boys pushing a laughing Cedric into the circle. He just barely hesitates before throwing his name in. Everyone cheers including myself despite my real feelings. He looks over at me and I give him an extra big smile of reassurance. He returns to his friends who welcome him with pushes and shoves. I shake my head and laugh.

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