Chapter 4-Cynosure

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In front of us was a gigantic cliff. Huge rocks were the final warning before the edge. Out past the rocks though, was the most beautiful view I had ever seen. To the left back in the direction of the school was the lake-the sun's reflection shining on the surface. To the right was more of the forest-it seemed to go on forever. But in front was the best. Straight ahead was a beautiful green field with all sorts of flowers and a river parting through the middle.

I come back to the moment when I see Cedric staring at me. "Wow Cedric! This place is brilliant. I just wish we could go down there."

"That can be an adventure for another day," he chuckles. "But for now, let's sit on the rocks and eat our lunch because I am starving." We both start laughing.

Once we get settled down and start eating our food I ask, "how did you find this place?"

He looks deeply into my eyes-like he always does when he speaks to me. "During my second year, my brother passed away. It sent me into a very dark place. I came into the forest one day with the intentions of never coming back. I just so happened to find this place. It saved my life no doubt."

"Cedric...I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Losing a family member leaves a hole inside of you that never really heals. No amount of time makes it better," I look down at my hands.

He places his hand on top of mine. "If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you know so much about loosing a family member?"

I take a deep breath in. "I lost both of my parents. Granted I was really young so I don't really remember them. Which if you think about it, not knowing them should be better. But all I ever hear is how awful they were. And I know that they were horrible, but I just wish that I could have known them. Growing up without parents was really hard. I never really had anyone to let me be a kid. It forced me to grow up so fast," I stop talking. I have never told anyone this much before.

I hear Cedric scooting closer to me. I feel his strong arms wrap me in a hug. "No child should have to grow up without one parent let alone both. But you should know Amelia, they would be so proud of the courageous and beautiful young lady I am sitting next to right now."

His words should make me feel better, but I know he is wrong. They would be down right ashamed of the weak Gryffindor girl sitting here. "Thanks Ced. You are different from other people. I don't know what it is, but you make me feel like I can actually be good."

I finally look back up at him and he is smiling his warm smile. His stare lingers before he says, "Amelia, you truly are the most interesting person I have ever met. I have never been as captivated by someone's beauty and..." he bites his lip in hesitation, "well mystery. There is something about you that makes me want to know every single thing there is to know about you."

I am not quite sure what to say. I am not sure if there even is anything I can say to that. I end up saying, "I have never felt the way I feel about you for another person. If I am being honest, it kind of scares me."

He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. "Amelia Ridds, I Cedric Diggory, promise to do everything I possibly can to not hurt you." I smile and let out a little giggle.

Once we are both done eating and have no idea what time it is, so we decide to head back. We joke around and play fight through the forest. I pretend to run away knowing that he is must faster and will catch me. I yell when I feel him scoop me into his arms. We both start laughing so hard.

He walks me all the way back to my dorm room. I had been secretly dreading this moment the whole time. I didn't want our little lunch date to be over. We hold on to both of each other's hands.

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