Respect the Bounderies

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All about boundaries and why they are there

So, what are boundaries?

In national parks, there are boundaries. Inside a national park, you cannot smoke, hunt, or cut down trees. Then there are the boundaries. Then, there's the outside of the park. If you want the definition of a boundary, here is the definition:

 If you want the definition of a boundary, here is the definition:

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Why are they important?

Well, they're important because the point of natural parks is to keep the animals safe and preserve nature. So, that means that there can't be deforestation OR hunting, because of the laws and the boundaries.

Why are they bad?

WHAT? They're bad? Well, yes, boundaries can sometimes not work. The animals inside the national park have no idea that they're entering or exiting a national park. They could easily get run over by a car while getting out of a boundary. Or, they could get killed by trophy hunting A wolf named 06 - I mention her in the chapter Wolves - was killed by a trophy hunter when outside the park boundaries, searching for food. She was a famous wolf due to her extreme strength, dexterity, and cleverness. However, in the National Park all she heard were there click of the cameras. The click of a gun was a much different sound, so she was shot and killed by a trophy hunter. And it's not like you can put a gate around the National Park, since they're many square miles.

Just remember to respect the boundaries, and not do something against the law. We need to help keep the animals safe! Also, you can call a nearby national park if you see an animal that supposed to be inside the national park out of it. If you do that, you might've saved an animal's life.

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